CPAC Mar 7,2017
CPAC Meeting
2.1 Adoption of Minutes
CPAC17/009 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting held Tuesday, February 7, 2017 be amended by removing “Councillor Vagramov” as voting against resolution CPAC17/003; AND THAT the minutes of the Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting held Tuesday, February 7, 2017 be adopted as amended.
Councillor Vagramov declared a potential conflict of interest, left the meeting at this point, and did not return. Councillor Glumac assumed the role as Chair.
Staff provided an overview of the application and answered questions regarding the possibility of separating the component of the application to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) from the component to rezone the Westport Village.
The applicant provided an overview of the application, outlining the public engagement process and details of the Westport Village design, including parking spaces, traffic assessment, building designs, amenities, and potential shuttle bus connections between Westport Village and Moody Centre SkyTrain Station.
The applicant expressed concern about the delay and cost associated with bringing the application back to the Committee at a later date, noting that there is a need to amend the OCP as soon as possible to see whether Metro Vancouver would approve the application. The applicant emphasized that more information will be provided as requested by staff as the application moves forward, that the requested information will require time and may be costly, and that without Metro Vancouver’s approval, it will be unclear how much the applicant should continue to invest in the project.
The applicant answered questions regarding the timeline of the project, access to industrial space, the relationship between a medical clinic and a hotel in the village, subsidized housing, potential tenants, funding and operation of the shuttle bus, and possible evacuation procedures.
Councillor Glumac called for public input.
Stirling Ward, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that the proponent has adequately engaged with the community and that the application should go to the Metro Vancouver Board for approval. Rose Kapp, Coquitlam, expressed support for the project, noting that the public has had a lot of opportunities to provide input and that the project should move forward more quickly. Gerry Nuttall, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that the proposed architecture will be a good public art addition to Port Moody. Mr. Nuttall suggested that the Committee consider recommending that the rezoning move forward as long as staff’s concerns are met. Cathy Cena, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that the proponent has adequately engaged with the public and that the project will create jobs in Port Moody. Peter Dasnieres, Port Moody, expressed concern about high traffic in the area, the need for an emergency management plan, and the management of green space in common areas. Aaron Robinson, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that the project contains sufficient details and that extensive public engagement has been conducted. Mr. Robinson suggested that the Committee consider recommending that the rezoning move forward as long as staff’s concerns are met. Bill Thiessen, Maple Ridge, representing Pacific Coast Terminals (PCT), expressed concern that due to the project’s proximity to heavy industry area, the project will create ongoing conflict between PCT and new residents in the area.
CPAC17/010 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the meeting be extended for up to an additional 30 minutes.
Sharon Gurm, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that the medical facility and hotel would help serve the community. Deborah Nijdam, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that the project will complement Port Moody’s appearance. Robert Simons, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that staff and the applicant should work together to move the project forward. Shahid Hussain, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that the project would help bring revenue to the City and would create an intergenerational community with a good mix of uses for space in the area. Mr. Hussain suggested that the City should work together with Simon Fraser University, the Province, and other stakeholders to create a high tech hub. John Grasty, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that the project will help bring revenue to the City. Mr. Grasty expressed concern that the applicant was not given sufficient notice to be made aware of staff’s concerns. Andrew Hartline, Port Moody, representing HUB Cycling, expressed support for the project, noting that the project would allow for an improved cycling connectivity from College Park to Moody Centre Station and Rocky Point Park; from Clarke Street to Barnet Highway; and in general, connectivity to the Trans Canada Trail. Ann Hulbert, Port Moody, expressed support for the project and suggested that there should be benches built from Andres Wine site equipment, to help maintain the heritage component of the site. Brian Wormald, Port Coquitlam, expressed support for the project, noting that the project will help enhance public access to the Trans Canada Trail. Gillian McMillan, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that the project contains a good mix of residential and commercial uses.
Councillor Glumac called three times for more public input. There was no more public input.
The Committee discussed possible ways to address staff’s concerns as outlined in the attached report while still moving forward with the project.
CPAC17/011 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the meeting be extended for up to an additional 30 minutes.
CPAC17/012 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the application to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) and to rezone the Westport Village site to allow a high density mixed-use residential and commercial area be supported; AND THAT staff continue to work with the applicant to address staff’s concerns as set out in the staff report dated February 27, 2017; AND THAT if staff’s concerns are unable to be resolved in the short term, that the OCP amendment move forward and the rezoning continued to be worked on.
Councillor Glumac adjourned the meeting at 9:47pm.