CPAC Apr 4,2017
2.1 Adoption of Minutes
CPAC17/013 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting held Tuesday, March 7, 2017 be adopted.
4.1 Rezoning Application 2124-2130 St. Johns Street and 2127-2131 Clarke Street (Bold Properties) Report: Development Services Department Planning Division, dated March 24, 2017 File: 01-0360-20-01
Staff gave an overview of the application and noted some key issues that residents raised, including the location of the play area and the waste pick-up areas. Staff noted that they are reviewing these issues and will report back to Council at a later date.
The applicant provided an overview of the project, noting the location, site plan, building designs, heritage character of the area, and environmental considerations.
The applicant answered questions regarding the unit sizes, access to the playground area, visitor parking on Spring Street, garbage removal arrangements, pedestrian walkways, and traffic safety.
Councillor Vagramov called for public input.
Peter Dasnieres, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the proposed density, the heights of the building blocking the sunlight to existing residences, impacts to wildlife, and the location of the garbage bins. Tamara Eyman, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the proposed density, location of the garbage bins, traffic congestion, and parking spaces. Marilyn Grimm, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the proposed density, traffic congestion, parking spaces, and safety for the children in the playground. John Grasty, Port Moody, expressed support for the rezoning application, noting that the project will create family homes with more than two bedrooms and that the project will provide economic benefits to neighbouring local businesses.
Councillor Vagramov called three times for more public input. There was no more public input.
The applicant noted that they look forward to working with staff to address the concerns raised.
Staff answered questions regarding setbacks between buildings and widening of the pedestrian sidewalks.
In response to a question regarding whether there have been examples of vehicles veering off the road on St. Johns Street, staff noted that they can provide information at a future meeting.
Committee members provided the following comments: The potential problem regarding visitor parking on Spring Street should be noted. However, it was also noted that that portion of Spring Street is a dead-end area, and that it may be acceptable to have vehicles parked in the area; Consideration should be given to reducing the number of housing units to create more parking spaces; The issue regarding the location of the garbage bins should be addressed; Medium-sized density is appropriate for the area; The project will create more family-friendly units in Port Moody. It was noted that changes to the project can be proposed at a later stage, when the project is presented to Council.
CPAC17/014 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the Rezoning Application be supported as presented in the report dated March 24, 2017 from Development Services Department Planning Division regarding Rezoning Application 2124-2130 St. Johns Street and 2127-2131 Clarke Street.
It was suggested that staff should notify Committee members about upcoming community information meetings.
4.2 Review of Draft Sustainability Report Card Presentation: Karly OConnor, Planner / Mary De Paoli, Manager of Planning
Attachments: a) Draft Sustainability Report Card b) Sustainability Report Card Feedback Form File: 01-0360-20-01
Staff gave a presentation on the Sustainability Report Card, noting: What the Sustainability Checklist and the Sustainability Report Card are; How the Sustainability Report Card will be used; Key issues with the existing Sustainability Checklist; The history of the Sustainability Checklist; The objectives of the Sustainability Report Card; The format, content, and evaluation process in the new Sustainability Report Card; and The next steps forward.
Committee members were encouraged to submit the Sustainability Report Card Feedback Form to staff before April 21, 2017. It was suggested that, if Council permits, the Community Planning Advisory Committee review feedback from other civic committees and provide additional input before the final results are presented to Council. Staff noted that the feedback received will be summarized and made available in the future.
Councillor Vagramov adjourned the meeting at 9:08pm.