Jan 24,2017 Regular Council
Agenda Minutes
1.1 Introduction of Art at Council Verbal Report: Mayor Clay File: 18-7705-01
Mayor Clay introduced the evening's Art at Council, a painting by Barb Krell from her series titled Treasures on Clarke. Mayor Clay noted that Ms. Krell, a contemporary acrylic and oil painter living in the Tri-Cities, is a member of the Port Moody Art Association and the Coquitlam Art Club. Mayor Clay noted that 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the Port Moody Art Association and that the Association is celebrating with a members' exhibition called Golden Moments, which runs from January 26 to February 23, 2017 at the Port Moody Arts Centre.
2. Public Input Mark Jauck, Port Moody, expressed concerns about modifying height limits for RS1-N to 24.5 feet, noting that the change would negatively impact residents. Ilse Leis, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the agenda for the Special Council (to Close Meeting) Meeting and asked for clarification on the topic of discussion. Fred Soofi, Port Moody, encouraged Council to create policy aimed at maintaining the heritage character of Port Moody. Mr. Soofi expressed concerns about insufficient investment funding being allocated to support the City of the Arts branding, and the amount of money spent on the Queens Street Plaza without many events being held there. Matthew Jauck, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the height limits for RS1 zoning and noted that a more thorough review of potential impacts should be conducted before making changes.
4.1 Adoption of Minutes File: 01-0550-05
RC17/035 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Special Council (to Close Meeting) Meeting held on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 be adopted.
RC17/036 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 be adopted.
5. Consent Agenda
RC17/037 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the recommendations contained in the following items presented in the January 24, 2017 Regular Council Consent Agenda be adopted: •5.1 - Finance Committee Resolutions for Ratification; •5.2 - Solid Waste and Recycling Annual Report; and •5.3 - 2017 Arts and Culture Committee Work Plan.
5.1 Finance Committee Resolutions for Ratification
Recommendation adopted on consent: THAT the following recommendations from the Finance Committee Meetings of Tuesday, January 17, 2017 be ratified:
Pressure Zone Modifications and Watermain Renewals - Funding Request FC17/004 THAT $235,000 be allocated from the Water Utility Reserve towards completion of pressure zone and watermain improvements on Mount Royal Drive as recommended in the report dated January 9, 2017 from Engineering and Operations Department regarding Pressure Zone Modifications and Watermain Renewals - Funding Request; AND THAT staff continue with the completion of this work as part of the 2016 Capital Program.
Funding Source for Climate Change Showdown Workshop FC17/005 THA T up to $2,500 for the BC Sustainable Energy Association's Cool It! Climate Leadership Training for 2017 be funded from Council Contingency.
Funding Source for Fingerling Festival Delegation Request FC17/006 THAT the $10,000 granted to the Port Moody Ecological Society for the 25th Annual Fingerling Festival be funded from Council Contingency.
5.2 2015 Solid Waste and Recycling Annual Report Report: Engineering and Public Works Department, dated December 1, 2016 File: 11-5360-01
Recommendation adopted on consent: THAT the report dated December 1, 2016 from Engineering and Public Works Department regarding 2015 Solid Waste and Recycling Annual Report be received for information.
5.3 2017 Arts and Culture Committee Work Plan Report: Arts and Culture Committee, dated January 16, 2017 File: 01-0360-20-43
Recommendation adopted on consent: THAT the proposed 2017 Arts and Culture Work Plan be approved as recommended in the report dated January 16, 2017 from Arts and Culture Committee regarding 2017 Arts and Culture Committee Work Plan.
7.1 Committee Appointments Verbal Report: Mayor Mike Clay File: 01-0360-07/2017
This item was removed from the agenda prior to the meeting
7.2 Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw Amendment for Water Supply and Distribution System Bylaw - Adoption Memo: Corporate Services Department Division, dated January 17, 2017 Bylaw No. 3072 File: 09-3900-02-1
A Bylaw to amend Schedule 2 of the Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw to include fines for the Water Supply and Distribution Bylaw.
RC17/038 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw, 2016, No. 3044, Amendment Bylaw No. 3, 2017, No. 3072 be now adopted.
7.3 Narrow Lot Subdivision Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Third Reading and Adoption Memo: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated January 17, 2017 Bylaw No. 3070 File: 09-3900-02-1
A Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890 to include narrow lot subdivision.
RC 17/039 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the second reading of City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 235, 2017, No. 3070 be rescinded.
RC17/040 Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED THAT Bylaw No. 3070 be amended by replacing section 2.1, subsection 29.5 Height of Building with the following: "The height of the principle building shall not exceed 10.5 metres (34.5 feet) for sloping roofs and 9 metres (29.5 feet) for flat roofs.". (Voting against: Councillors Glumac, Junker, Lahti, and Vagramov)
RC17/041 Moved and seconded THAT Bylaw No. 3070 be amended by replacing section 2.1, subsection 29.5 Height of Building with the following: "The height of the principle building shall not exceed 9.1 metres (30 feet) for sloping roofs and 7.6 metres (25 feet) for flat roofs.".
RC17/042 Moved, seconded, CARRIED THAT consideration of City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 235, 2017, No. 3070 be postponed until staff report back on height, setback requirements, subdivision orientation, and cul-de-sacs in the different neighbourhoods of Port Moody. (Voting against: Mayor Clay)
9.1 FCM Membership Renewal Memo: Mayor Mike Clay, dated January 4, 2017 File: 01-0230-25/01
RC17/043 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the City of Port Moody renew its membership in the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and remit the 2017 Annual FCM Dues of $5,401.79.
10.1 Delegation Response - Port Moody Art Association Memo: Community Services Department, dated January 4, 2017 File: 15-7715-03-005
RC17/044 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT $4,250 be granted to the Port Moody Art Association for the 50th anniversary of its Annual Arts Show; AND THAT the funding request be referred to the Finance Committee for identification of a funding source.
11.1 Council Verbal Reports
Councillor Royer expressed concerns for her personal safety, noting that she has recently been a target of personal attacks online, by telephone, and in person. Councillor Royer noted a need to stand together as a community, denounce personal attacks, and respect one another. Councillor Vagramov expressed concerns about the dangers of social media, especially regarding public figures, and encouraged people to be respectful toward others. Councillor Lahti expressed support for Councillor Royer, noting that she previously had similar experiences.
12.1 Committees, Commissions, and Boards - Minutes • Arts and Culture Committee - November 7, 2016 •Youth Focus Committee - November 9, 2016 •Heritage Commission - November 10, 2016 •Environmental Protection Committee - November 21, 2016 •Economic Development Committee - December 7, 2016 •Finance Committee - January 3, 2017
12.2 Council Correspondence
• Letter dated December 13, 2016 from Port of Vancouver re Municipal taxes paid by port tenants and the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority • Letter dated December 19, 2016 to Environment and Climate Change Canada re Pacific Coast Terminals - Port Moody Channel Dredging Project
13 Public Input Peter Luczak, Port Moody, expressed concerns about traffic congestion and the lack of parking lots in Port Moody. Laura Genovese, Port Moody Art Association, expressed appreciation to the City for its support of the Association and the Arts in Port Moody. Ilse Leis, Port Moody, expressed concerns about increased parking demand resulting from subdivisions. David Ritcey, Port Moody, asked about changes in traffic on St. Johns Street since the opening of the SkyTrain. Jeff McLellan, Port Moody, noted as an administrator on the Facebook group referred to by Councillor Royer that it is very difficult to monitor every post, given that there are hundreds of members in the group.
Adjournment The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:52pm.