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Sep 19,2017 Special Council (COW)

1.1 Resolution to Go into Committee of the Whole
Mayor Clay called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Council go into Committee of the Whole.

Councillor Vagramov assumed the role of Presiding Member at this point.

2. Public Input
Public Input period was suspended pursuant to section 17(6) of the Council Procedure Bylaw.

3.1 Delegation ¡V Prostate Cancer Canada
Presentation: Mark Mahl, Executive Director, Western Region, Prostate Cancer Canada
Delegation Request: Mark Mahl
File: 01-0230-01

This item was cancelled at the request of the delegation.

3.2 Delegation -The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha¡¦is of Port Moody
Presentation: Sean Segran, Glen McRae, and Fariba Goldan
Delegation Request: Fariba Goldan, Secretary
File: 01-0230-01


Fariba Goldan and Sean Segran, on behalf of The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha¡¦is of Port Moody, provided an overview of the Baha¡¦is community and community events in October and asked Council to proclaim October 2017 Unity Month in Port Moody.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the delegation request be placed on a subsequent Council agenda for consideration.
3.3 Delegation ¡V Port Moody Foundation
Presentation: Robert Simons, President, Port Moody Foundation
Delegation Request: Robert Simons
File: 01-0230-01


Robert Simons, on behalf of the Port Moody Foundation, asked Council to proclaim September 2017 Community Foundations Month.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT September 2017 be proclaimed Community Foundations Month in the City of Port Moody.

3.4 Delegation - Amanda Todd Legacy Society
Presentation: Carol Todd
Delegation Request: Carol Todd
File: 01-0230-01

Carol Todd, on behalf of the Amanda Todd Legacy Society, asked Council to proclaim October 10, 2017 as World Mental Health Day, noting the need to destigmatize mental health. Ms. Todd also requested that City Hall display purple lighting on October 10 and encouraged people to wear purple that day to raise awareness on mental health.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT October 10, 2017 be proclaimed World Mental Health Day in the City of Port Moody.

3.5 Delegation ¡V Tri-Cities Seniors Planning Network (TCSPN)
Presentation: Ken Kuhn, Tri-Cities Seniors Planning Network Coordinator
Delegation Request: Ken Kuhn
File: 01-0230-01


Ken Kuhn, representing the Tri-Cities Seniors Planning Network (TCSPN), provided an overview of the TCSPN, including information on the network¡¦s activities and ways the TCSPN can work with the City.
Councillor Lahti invited the TCSPN to make a presentation to the Seniors Focus Committee, to assess ways in which the City can partner with the organization.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the delegation be received for information and the delegates thanked for their presentation.

3.6 Delegation - Port Moody Ecological Society
Presentation: Brian Wormald, Dave Bennie, and Sandra Niven
Delegation Request: Brian Wormald
File: 01-0230-01

Brian Wormald, on behalf of the Port Moody Ecological Society, provided an overview of the 2017 Noons Creek 25th Anniversary Fingerling Festival held on May 6, 2017, noting the results, successes, and financial details of the event.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the delegation be received for information and the delegates thanked for their presentation.

3.7 Delegation - Port Moody RibFest 2017
Presentation: Members of the Rotary Club of Port Moody
Delegation Request: Alan Schmelzel, Chair, RibFest
File: 01-0230-01

Alan Schmelzel, on behalf of the Rotary Club of Port Moody, provided an overview of Port Moody Ribfest 2017, noting the highlights of the events, which included a large amount of waste that was recycled and diverted from landfills and zero incidents reported to the Port Moody Police Department. Mr. Schmelzel noted that RibFest 2018 would take place on July 20-22, 2018.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the delegation be received for information and the delegates thanked for their presentation.

3.8 Delegation ¡V Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) Community Council
Presentation: Vera Anderson and CLBC Community Council Members
Delegation Request: Vera Anderson
File: 01-0230-01

Vera Anderson, on behalf of the Community Living British Columbia Community Council, provided background on the CLBC Community Council, noting that the organization promotes the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities through a number of programs. Ms. Anderson asked Council to proclaim October 2017 Community Living Month.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the delegation be received for information and the delegates thanked for their presentation.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the Community Living British Columbia Community Council request to proclaim October 2017 Community Living Month in the City of Port Moody be considered at the October 10, 2017 Regular Council meeting.

3.9 Delegation - Ismaili Council for British Columbia
Presentation: Alia Somji, Khairrunnissa Rhemtulla, and Asif Abdulla
Delegation Request: Alia Somji
File: 01-0230-01


Alia Somji, on behalf of the Ismaili Council for British Columbia, provided background on the Ismaili Council for British Columbia and outlined the reasons for which the organization meets the Permissive Tax Exemption Guidelines for the City of Port Moody. Ms. Somji requested property tax exemptions for the properties located at 3121 and 3127 St. Johns Street.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the delegation be received for information and the delegates thanked for their presentation.

4.1 Adoption of Minutes
File: 01-0550-03-02

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Special Council (Committee of the Whole) meeting held on Tuesday, July 18, 2017 be adopted.

6.1 New Permissive Taxation Exemption Applicants for Consideration
Report: Finance and Technology Department ¡V Financial Services Division, dated September 8, 2017
File: 05-1960-10/Vol 13

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the following properties be added to the Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw to be considered by Council on October 10, 2017:
1. 17000-003 (City of Port Moody) ¡V $101;
2. 17000-005 (City of Port Moody) ¡V $144;
3. 17000-011 (City of Port Moody) ¡V $474;
4. 02103-006 (Ismaili Council of BC) ¡V $5,150; and
5. 02107-001 (Ismaili Council of BC) ¡V $7,950;
as discussed at the Special Council (Committee of the Whole) meeting held on September 19, 2017.

6.2 Corporate Policies Audit
Report: Corporate Services Department ¡V Legislative Services Division, dated September 8, 2017
File: 01-0350-01

Staff gave a presentation on the Corporate Policies Audit, including information on background of the audit, the audit process, and the resulting recommendations. Staff responded to questions from Council regarding process and specific recommendations.

Moved and seconded
THAT the following Corporate Policies be rescinded effective immediately as recommended in the report dated September 2017 from Corporate Services Department ¡V Legislative Services Division regarding Corporate Policies Audit:
01-0320-01 ¡V Tag Day Requests ¡V Door-to-Door Canvass;
05-1840-01 ¡V Art Works Reserve Fund;
08-3010-01 ¡V Release of Restrictive Covenants;
07-2540-01 ¡V Employee Suggestion Award Program;
09-3760-03 ¡V Review of Public Special Occasion Liquor Permit Applications;
09-4020-02 ¡V Procedure for Obtaining Community Opinion for Neighbourhood Pub Applications;
09-4200-01 ¡V Election Signage Restrictions for Safety;
11-5400-01 ¡V Street Closure for Block Parties;
14-7010-01 ¡V Zero Tolerance of Violence Against Women in Relationships;
15-7710-02 ¡V Anmore and Belcarra Fees; and
15-7900-03 ¡V Commercial Uses in Galleria;

AND THAT the following Corporate Policies be adopted:
01-0340-2017-01 ¡V Minute Taking Standards; and
11-5600-2017-01 ¡V Hydrant Use;

AND THAT the Corporate Policies included in Attachment 3 of the report dated September 8, 2017 from Corporate Services Department ¡V Legislative Services Division regarding Corporate Policies Audit be approved as amended.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
¡§AND THAT staff report back on a policy to replace the Zero Tolerance of Violence Against Women in Relationships¡¨
The question on the main motion (CW17/117) as amended (by CW17/118) was put to a vote;
the following motion was CARRIED:

THAT the following Corporate Policies be rescinded effective immediately as recommended in the report dated September 8, 2017 from Corporate Services Department ¡V Legislative Services Division regarding Corporate Policies Audit:
01-0320-01 ¡V Tag Day Requests ¡V Door-to-Door Canvass;
05-1840-01 ¡V Art Works Reserve Fund;
08-3010-01 ¡V Release of Restrictive Covenants;
07-2540-01 ¡V Employee Suggestion Award Program;
09-3760-03 ¡V Review of Public Special Occasion Liquor Permit Applications;
09-4020-02 ¡V Procedure for Obtaining Community Opinion for Neighbourhood Pub Applications;
09-4200-01 ¡V Election Signage Restrictions for Safety;
11-5400-01 ¡V Street Closure for Block Parties;
14-7010-01 ¡V Zero Tolerance of Violence Against Women in Relationships;
15-7710-02 ¡V Anmore and Belcarra Fees; and
15-7900-03 ¡V Commercial Uses in Galleria;

AND THAT the following Corporate Policies be adopted:
01-0340-2017-01 ¡V Minute Taking Standards; and
11-5600-2017-01 ¡V Hydrant Use;

AND THAT the Corporate Policies included in Attachment 3 of the report dated September 8, 2017 from Corporate Services Department ¡V Legislative Services Division regarding Corporate Policies Audit be approved as amended;

AND THAT staff report back on a policy to replace the Zero Tolerance of Violence Against Women in Relationships policy.

6.3 Civic Awards 2017
Report: Executive Assistant to Mayor and Council, dated September 9, 2017
File: 01-0530-01/2017

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the civic awards be presented at the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner to be held in September 2018.

Moved and seconded
THAT all civic committees be appointed to be responsible for the recommendation of the Peter Hulbert Accessibility Award recipient for Council consideration.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be replaced with the following:
¡§THAT all civic committees consider recommending nominations for the Peter Hulbert Accessibility Award recipient for Council consideration¡¨.

The question on the main motion (CW17/120) as amended (by CW17/121) was put to a vote; the following motion was CARRIED:

THAT all civic committees consider recommending nominations for the Peter Hulbert Accessibility Award recipient for Council consideration.

7.1 Rise and Report - Adoption of Committee of the Whole Report

Mayor Clay resumed the role of Presiding Member at this point.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the recommendations approved at the Committee of the Whole meeting of September 19, 2017 be ratified.

Mayor Clay adjourned the meeting at 8:42pm.

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