Port Moody |
Metro Vancouver |
Characteristics |
Total |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Male |
Female |
Population; 2016 |
33551 |
2463431 |
Population; 2011 |
33011 |
2313328 |
Population percentage change; 2011 to
2016 |
1.6 |
6.5 |
Total private dwellings |
13318 |
1027613 |
Private dwellings occupied by usual
residents |
12976 |
960894 |
Population density per square kilometre |
1295.9 |
854.6 |
Land area in square kilometres |
25.89 |
2882.68 |
Total - Age groups and average age of the
population - 100% data |
33550 |
16295 |
17255 |
2463430 |
1202175 |
1261255 |
to 14 years |
6050 |
3105 |
2945 |
362110 |
186780 |
175330 |
0 to 4 years |
1850 |
945 |
910 |
116270 |
60045 |
56220 |
5 to 9 years |
2125 |
1105 |
1015 |
122730 |
63390 |
59345 |
10 to 14 years |
2075 |
1060 |
1015 |
123110 |
63340 |
59765 |
15 to 64 years |
23420 |
11260 |
12160 |
1714005 |
838860 |
875145 |
15 to 19 years |
2110 |
1095 |
1015 |
142280 |
73180 |
69100 |
20 to 24 years |
1890 |
945 |
950 |
167270 |
85385 |
81890 |
25 to 29 years |
1785 |
875 |
910 |
179940 |
89305 |
90635 |
30 to 34 years |
2185 |
1010 |
1170 |
182630 |
89925 |
92705 |
35 to 39 years |
2450 |
1120 |
1330 |
167950 |
81090 |
86860 |
40 to 44 years |
2790 |
1330 |
1460 |
168370 |
79445 |
88930 |
45 to 49 years |
2970 |
1400 |
1570 |
184285 |
87850 |
96440 |
50 to 54 years |
2875 |
1380 |
1495 |
191375 |
93230 |
98140 |
55 to 59 years |
2445 |
1175 |
1275 |
177095 |
85595 |
91505 |
60 to 64 years |
1925 |
930 |
995 |
152805 |
73865 |
78940 |
65 years and over |
4080 |
1925 |
2155 |
387315 |
176530 |
210780 |
65 to 69 years |
1575 |
770 |
810 |
131035 |
62615 |
68420 |
70 to 74 years |
1070 |
500 |
565 |
89675 |
42495 |
47180 |
75 to 79 years |
695 |
330 |
360 |
66510 |
30605 |
35905 |
80 to 84 years |
420 |
200 |
220 |
48820 |
21960 |
26860 |
85 years and over |
330 |
125 |
200 |
51280 |
18860 |
32420 |
85 to 89 years |
210 |
80 |
125 |
31475 |
12740 |
18735 |
90 to 94 years |
90 |
35 |
60 |
14875 |
4905 |
9965 |
95 to 99 years |
20 |
5 |
15 |
4195 |
1055 |
3140 |
100 years and over |
0 |
0 |
0 |
740 |
155 |
580 |
Total - Distribution (%) of the
population by broad age groups - 100% data |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
to 14 years |
18 |
19.1 |
17.1 |
14.7 |
15.5 |
13.9 |
15 to 64 years |
69.8 |
69.1 |
70.5 |
69.6 |
69.8 |
69.4 |
65 years and over |
12.2 |
11.8 |
12.5 |
15.7 |
14.7 |
16.7 |
85 years and over |
1 |
0.8 |
1.2 |
2.1 |
1.6 |
2.6 |
Average age of the population |
39 |
38.4 |
39.6 |
41 |
40.1 |
41.9 |
Median age of the population |
40.6 |
40 |
41.1 |
40.9 |
39.7 |
42 |
Total - Occupied private dwellings by
structural type of dwelling - 100% data |
12975 |
960895 |
Single-detached house |
3930 |
282355 |
Apartment in a building that has five or more storeys |
1910 |
160060 |
Other attached dwelling |
7125 |
513900 |
Semi-detached house |
405 |
20530 |
Row house |
2645 |
93415 |
Apartment or flat in a duplex |
1105 |
156445 |
Apartment in a building that has fewer than five storeys |
2970 |
242205 |
Other single-attached house |
5 |
1305 |
Movable dwelling |
10 |
4580 |
Total - Private households by household
size - 100% data |
12975 |
960895 |
person |
2980 |
275455 |
persons |
4190 |
300170 |
persons |
2460 |
153090 |
persons |
2410 |
139175 |
or more persons |
940 |
93005 |
Number of persons in private households |
33450 |
2426235 |
Average household size |
2.6 |
2.5 |
Total - Marital status for the population
aged 15 years and over - 100% data |
27500 |
13190 |
14310 |
2101315 |
1015395 |
1085925 |
Married or living common law |
17255 |
8560 |
8690 |
1193125 |
594180 |
598940 |
Married |
14965 |
7420 |
7545 |
1033885 |
513725 |
520160 |
Living common law |
2290 |
1140 |
1150 |
159240 |
80455 |
78780 |
Not married and not living common law |
10245 |
4625 |
5620 |
908195 |
421215 |
486980 |
Never married |
6915 |
3590 |
3325 |
629040 |
334130 |
294905 |
Separated |
765 |
295 |
475 |
50130 |
20265 |
29860 |
Divorced |
1665 |
575 |
1080 |
128045 |
47280 |
80765 |
Widowed |
905 |
160 |
745 |
100985 |
19540 |
81445 |
Total - Census families in private
households by family size - 100% data |
9920 |
679365 |
persons |
4465 |
327260 |
persons |
2415 |
158785 |
persons |
2390 |
145805 |
or more persons |
645 |
47510 |
Average size of census families |
2.9 |
2.9 |
Total number of census families in
private households - 100% data |
9920 |
679365 |
Total couple families |
8455 |
574670 |
Married couples |
7310 |
495065 |
Common-law couples |
1145 |
79610 |
Total lone-parent families by sex of parent |
1465 |
104695 |
Female parent |
1180 |
84740 |
Male parent |
280 |
19955 |
Total - Couple census families in private
households - 100% data |
8460 |
574670 |
Couples without children |
3595 |
260290 |
Couples with children |
4860 |
314380 |
1 child |
1925 |
129480 |
2 children |
2305 |
139080 |
3 or more children |
630 |
45815 |
Total - Lone-parent census families in
private households - 100% data |
1465 |
104695 |
child |
870 |
66975 |
children |
495 |
29305 |
or more children |
100 |
8420 |
Total - Persons not in census families in
private households - 100% data |
4335 |
1910 |
2425 |
462125 |
214705 |
247420 |
Total - Private households by household
type - 100% data |
12975 |
960895 |
One-census-family households |
9455 |
600775 |
Without children in a census family |
3370 |
226490 |
With children in a census family |
6085 |
374290 |
Multiple-census-family households |
230 |
37595 |
Non-census-family households |
3295 |
322525 |
One-person households |
2980 |
275455 |
Two-or-more person non-census-family households |
310 |
47065 |
Total - Knowledge of official languages
for the total population excluding institutional residents - 100% data |
33465 |
16255 |
17210 |
2440145 |
1191670 |
1248470 |
English only |
29950 |
14740 |
15205 |
2130565 |
1058310 |
1072260 |
French only |
15 |
5 |
10 |
1110 |
530 |
580 |
English and French |
2810 |
1225 |
1590 |
172140 |
76650 |
95500 |
Neither English nor French |
695 |
285 |
410 |
136320 |
56185 |
80135 |
Total - First official language spoken
for the total population excluding institutional residents - 100% data |
33470 |
16260 |
17210 |
2440145 |
1191670 |
1248470 |
English |
32130 |
15690 |
16440 |
2265310 |
1116840 |
1148470 |
French |
405 |
180 |
225 |
25710 |
12825 |
12875 |
English and French |
245 |
110 |
135 |
14470 |
6635 |
7835 |
Neither English nor French |
690 |
280 |
410 |
134655 |
55370 |
79285 |
Official language minority (number) |
525 |
235 |
295 |
32940 |
16145 |
16795 |
Official language minority (percentage) |
1.6 |
1.4 |
1.7 |
1.3 |
1.4 |
1.3 |