Feb 6,2018 CPAC
Community Planning Advisory Committee
2.1 Adoption of Minutes
CPAC18/001 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting held on Tuesday, December 5, 2017 be adopted.
4.1 Rezoning Application – 50 Electronic Avenue Report: Planning and Development Department – Planning Division, dated January 30, 2018
File: 13-6700-20-143 and 01-0360-20-01
Staff provided an overview of the proposed rezoning application at 50 Electronic Avenue and answered questions on the size of the proposed project, potential for job creation, and the distance between Klahanie Drive and Electronic Avenue. The applicant gave a presentation on 50 Electronic Avenue, providing information on the site context, project objectives, proposed commercial space, proposed amenity space, proposed Community Amenity Contribution to the City, and public consultation done to date. The applicant answered questions on the sizes of the units, consultation with the art communities, attracting breweries, commercial vacancy rates, and geotechnical studies.
Councillor Junker called for public input.
Stirling Ward, Port Moody, expressed support for the rezoning application, noting that the proposed project contains a good mix of residences and amenities. John Grasty, Port Moody, expressed support for the accessibility components of the application. Mr. Grasty noted that the Official Community Plan is a flexible document and can be amended overtime. Christy Neilson, Port Moody, expressed concerns that not all nearby residents received a notice in the mail about the Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting, and that parking, traffic, and the height of the proposed buildings will negatively affect Klahanie residents. Brian Wormald, Port Coquitlam, expressed support for the proposed development, noting that being in close proximity to the Transit Oriented Development area would help alleviate parking issues. Mr. Wormald expressed concern about traffic on Murray Street and a lack of a unifying vision among the various development projects in the City.
Councillor Junker called for public input.
There were no more comments from the public.
CPAC18/002 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the rezoning application be supported as recommended in the report dated January 30, 2018 from Planning and Development Department – Planning Division regarding Rezoning Application – 50 Electronic Avenue. (Voting against: Councillor Royer)
Staff gave a presentation on the proposed OCP amendments and rezoning application, providing information on environmental impacts, permitted use in the new zoning area, technical studies conducted, and public consultation done to date. The applicant gave a presentation, outlining the site context, anumber of assessments undertaken, potential community benefits, the timeline of the process, City policies used to develop the application, the public consultation process, and key findings from information sessions. The applicant answered questions on traffic impacts, the definition of “highest and best use,” notifications for the Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting, and permitted use for the new zoning area.
Councillor Junker called for public input.
Yvonne Harris, Port Moody, expressed concerns that the application does not align with the OCP, that the OCP is being amended too often, that high-rises will block sunlight, and that public ownership of the land will be lost. Kevin Eldred, Port Moody, expressed concerns about traffic, noise, and the loss of residents’ privacy. Amy Lubik, Port Moody, expressed opposition for the application and suggested that affordable housing be included in development proposals.
CPAC18/003 Moved, seconded, and CARRIIED THAT the meeting be extended for up to an additional half hour.
David Ungless, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the public consultation process and suggested that the question on the application be presented in a referendum. Brian Sproule, Port Moody, expressed opposition to the application and suggested that the City acquire new lands rather than selling existing lands. John Grasty, Port Moody, expressed support for the application and suggested that workshops on the OCP and the Master Transportation Plan be held to better inform the public about City policies and direction. Gerry Kent, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the lack of parking space and suggested that the City continue to maintain ownership of the land for future public use. Jenny Tough, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the impacts to her property values and suggested that funding for a new library be drawn from other sources. Haden Becky, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the impacts to the environment and the long-term impacts to future generations. Meghan Traverse, Port Moody, expressed opposition to the application and suggested that the City maintain ownership of the land for projects that promote outdoor recreation and are more pedestrian-friendly. Sarah Alloisio, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the proposed density, the public consultation process, and the high level of density in the area.
CPAC18/004 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the meeting be extended for an additional 30 minutes.
Jim Allan, Port Moody, expressed concerns about traffic, parking, and the high level of density. Cheryl Sindand, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the high level of density. Moe Sherriff, Port Moody, expressed opposition to the OCP amendment and rezoning application.
CPAC18/009 Laurel Sindand, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the high level of density and a precedence that the 34-storeys limit would set for future developments. Laura Dick, Port Moody, expressed support for the OCP amendment and rezoning application, noting that there will still be plenty of opportunities for public input and suggested that input be heard from residents from various areas of the City. Ms. Dick expressed concerns about disrespectful behaviours during the public input period. Tanya Moola, Port Moody, suggested that the City redirect money received from Community Amenity Contributions to fund the proposed amenities. Stirling Ward, Port Moody, suggested that residents be respectful to people of different opinions and that the City hold a workshop to educate residents about the OCP. Cheryl Sindand noted that the location of the Former Fire Hall site and the Works Yard site is unique and the land is irreplaceable.
Councillor Junker called three times for further public input.
There were no more comments from the public received.
CPAC18/005 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the meeting be extended for an additional 30 minutes. Committee members discussed the merits of the proposed OCP amendment and rezoning application.
CPAC18/006 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the meeting be extended for an additional 30 minutes.
CPAC18/007 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the Official Community Plan Amendment and rezoning application be supported as recommended in the report dated January 30, 2018 from Planning and Development Department – Planning Division regarding Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application – Former Fire Hall and Current Works Yard Sites (200 Ioco Road and 3250 Murray Street). (Voting against: Svetlana Evoy, Councillor Madsen, Councillor Royer, Chris Staddon, and Councillor Vagramov)
4.3 Call for Climate Action Committee Volunteers Memo: Corporate Services Department – Legislative Services Division, dated December 20, 2017 File: 01-0360-20-55
CPAC18/008 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Wilhelmina Martin be appointed to the Climate Action Committee from February 6, 2018 to August 31, 2019.
5. Information 6. Adjournment Councillor Junker adjourned the meeting at 10:38pm.