April 26,2016 Public Hearing
Public Hearing
Bylaw No. 3027 Files: 6700-20-126 and 3900-02
A Bylaw to rezone the properties at 2713-2725 Clarke Street/87 Moody Street from Comprehensive Development 39 (CD39) zone to Comprehensive Development 64 (CD64) zone.
Mayor Clay read the meeting procedures.
The Corporate Officer confirmed that the statutory requirements for this Public Hearing have been met.
Staff provided an overview of the application. Document: 347134
The applicant gave a presentation of the project, noting that the project has been supported by the Advisory Design Panel, Land Use Committee, and staff.
The Mayor called for public input.
PUBLIC REPRESENTATIONS Sophie Manolis, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, citing concerns about the building's excessive height, which is significantly greater than the neighbouring buildings and would block natural light. Jessica Becker, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, citing concerns that the proposed project is inconsistent with Port Moody's heritage and small-town character, and is significantly higher than buildings in the surrounding neighbourhood, and not scaled down towards the water. Rick Leung, Vancouver, noted that he owns a north-facing sixth floor unit in the Station, and spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, citing concerns about'the height of the building and the resultant loss of views for Station residents. Nick Haltigin, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, and requested that the restrictions of the Comprehensive Development Zone 39 be respected to ensure that the development in front of the Station fits the original plans envisioned for the site and not block the views of the first phase of the development. Hazel Mason, speaking on behalf of the Moody Centre Community Association, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, which would change the allowable height for the Moody Centre parcel. Ms. Mason noted the importance of having a neighbourhood plan for Moody Centre. Scott Goodrich, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, citing concerns that the height of the proposed building is incongruous with surrounding buildings, is not scaled down as it approaches the waterfront, and does not respect view corridors as required by the OCP. Alysha Brar, Port Moody, noted that she lives in the Station and spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, citing concerns about the building's incongruous size and height, loss of natural light, traffic congestion, and loss of views. Ms. Brar noted that the proposed project will compromise the City's small-town, community feel. Gary Brar, Port Moody, noted that he lives in the Station and spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, noting that he does not see the benefit of the rezoning, and does not believe that the applicant deserves the rezoning. Dick Schuberg, Port Moody, noted that he owns a suite on the sixth floor of the Station, and spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, citing concerns about the negative impact on the value of his unit should his views be obstructed by the proposed development. Jodi Garwood, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, expressed agreement with the statements of previous speakers who also oppose the proposed development, and requested that the restrictions of Comprehensive Development Zone 39 be maintained. Jody Redding, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, expressed agreement with the statements of previous speakers who also oppose the proposed development, and expressed concerns about the height of the building and traffic congestion. Carol McGunigal, Port Moody, noted that she is an owner at the Lighthouse Building, and submitted letters from other residents in her building opposed to the proposed development. Ms. McGunigal spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, citing concerns about the negative impact on property values due to loss of views, traffic congestion, and changes to the neighbourhood. Jacqueline Scoretz, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, citing concerns about traffic congestion and safety, loss of natural light, and the lack of public space. Dimin Song, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, citing concerns about Spring Street's capacity for additional traffic. Mr. Song presented information he collected on the widths of streets in Moody Centre, noting that Spring Street is narrower than other streets that are designated as back lanes and dead ends. Aaron Johnson, Port Moody, resident at the Station, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, expressed agreement with the statements of previous speakers who also oppose the proposed development, and expressed concerns about the height of the proposed project, noting that the double-height first storey results in an overall height similar to a seven-storey building. Craig Dale, Port Moody, noted that he is a resident at the Lighthouse Building, and spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, citing concerns about the loss of enjoyment of his roof-top deck. Pary Boustani, Port Moody, resident at the Station, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, and expressed concerns about the loss of natural light. Oleg Bystrov, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, and expressed agreement with the statements of previous speakers who also oppose the proposed development, and supported preserving views of the waterfront. Kenneth Lee, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, citing concerns with traffic safety, loss of property value, lack of engagement with existing residents, rising housing costs, lack of parking, and loss of views. Hildegard Roller, Port Moody, resident at the Station, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, and expressed concerns about the loss of views.
Scott Goodrich, Port Moody, noted that all members of the public in attendance are opposed to the rezoning, and urged Council to reject the proposal. Hazel Mason, Port Moody, wished to address the status of Comprehensive Development Zone 59 prior to its rezoning from CD Zone 39. David Roppel, Aragon Properties Ltd., Vancouver, provided additional information and clarifications on the proposed project.
The Mayor called three times for further public input. There were no more comments from the public.
PH16/003 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 231, 2015, No. 3027 be referred to the Regular Council meeting dated April 26, 2016 for consideration. (Voting against: Councillor Vagramov)
Bylaw No. 3031 Files: 6700-20-135 and 3900-02
A Bylaw to amend Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2955 to include text amendments for the Charles Street Area.
Mayor Clay read the meeting procedures.
The Corporate Officer confirmed that the statutory requirements for this Public Hearing have been met.
Staff provided an overview of the application.
The Mayor called for public input.
PUBLIC REPRESENTATIONS Deb Nijdam, Port Moody, spoke in support of the proposed amendment, noting that the future of Charles Street has undergone extensive discussion, and that the City should not prevent property owners from making decisions about their properties by requiring a comprehensive plan that the City is not undertaking. David Querbach, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to the proposed amendment, noting that the City should undertake to complete the Comprehensive Neighbourhood Plan it promised to complete as part of the Official Community Planning process. John Grasty, Port Moody, spoke in support of the proposed amendment, noting that the requirement for a Comprehensive Neighbourhood Plan is preventing progress.
Deb Nijdam, Port Moody, noted that the removal of the requirement for a Comprehensive Neighbourhood Plan will allow for more flexible and better planning for Charles Street, and urged Council to support the amendment.
PH16/004 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw 2014, No. 2955, Amendment Bylaw No. 5, 2016, No. 3031, be referred to the Regular Council meeting dated April 26, 2016 for consideration.
2. Close of Public Hearing The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at 8:35pm.