July 3,2018 CPAC
Community Planning Advisory Committee
July 3,2018
2.1 Adoption of Minutes
CPAC18/020 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting held on Tuesday, May 1, 2018 be adopted.
The Manager of Development Planning provided an overview of the proposed Official Community Plan amendment on a portion of the Eagle Ridge Hospital site. The applicant gave a presentation on the proposed Official Community Plan amendment providing information on the site context, the Emergency Department Expansion project, the purpose of the OCP amendment, proposed land uses, and possible hospital expansion scenarios. The applicant answered questions on future plans for Eagle Ridge Hospital, alternate funding sources, allocation of funds, rationale for the disposition of land, current capacity of Eagle Ridge Hospital emergency department, and possible public art projects. Committee members expressed concerns about the selling of land and a lack of information provided at this stage in the process.
CPAC18/021 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the proposal from the Fraser Health Authority to amend the Official Community Plan on a portion of the Eagle Ridge Hospital site as presented at the July 3, 2018 Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting not be supported.
The Manager of Development Planning provided an introduction to the rezoning and development permit application at 2301-2307 Clarke Street. The applicant gave a presentation on the rezoning and development permit application at 2301-2307 Clarke Street, providing information on the site context and proposed floor plans.
The applicant answered questions on the proposed architectural design, project suitability for the neighbourhood, location of the driveway in relations to Spring Street, stair access, upgrades and enhancement to Elgin Street and Clarke Street intersection, contributions to the Art Reserve Fund, Community Amenity Contributions, and accessible entry from the parking lot.
CPAC18/022 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the meeting be extended for up to an additional 30 minutes.
Councillor Madsen left the meeting at this point and did not return.
CPAC18/023 Moved and seconded THAT the proposed project for 2301-2307 Clarke Street be endorsed as presented in the report dated June 19, 2018 from Planning and Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding Rezoning and Development Permit Application – 2301-2307 Clarke Street.
CPAC18/024 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by replacing:
“as presented in the report dated June 19, 2018 from Planning and Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding Rezoning and Development Permit Application – 2301-2307 Clarke Street”
“subject to the accessibility issues being addressed as discussed at the July 3, 2018 Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting”.
The question on the main motion (CPAC18/023) as amended (by CPAC18/024) was put to a vote; the following motion was CARRIED:
THAT the proposed project for 2301-2307 Clarke Street be endorsed subject to the accessibility issues being addressed as discussed at the July 3, 2018 Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting.
Councillor Royer declared a conflict of interest due to her family business representing the applicant and left the meeting at this point and did not return.
Staff provided an introduction of the rezoning and development permit application at 2421 Clarke Street.
The applicant gave a presentation on the rezoning and development permit application at 2421 Clarke Street, providing information on the site context, proposed project components, architectural design, floor plans, and project benefits to seniors and young adults. The applicant expressed concerns about the City’s road widening requirements, which was not clearly communicated earlier in the process.
CPAC18/025 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the meeting be extended for up to an additional 30 minutes.
Jean Donaldson left the meeting at this point and did not return.
CPAC18/026 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the proposed project for 2421 Clarke Street be endorsed in principle subject to further review of the following items: • project density; • building transitions to adjacent properties; • overall building design for compatibility with adjacent development and adherence to applicable design guidelines; • Spring Street building frontage; • remainder lot at 85 Kyle Street; • number of driveway accesses; and • site boundaries and potential road widening requirements.
6. Adjournment Councillor Junker adjourned the meeting at 9:58pm.