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Youth Focus Committee


Committee Purpose

To provide City Council with advice and reccommendations on youth issues, strategies and initiatives as detailed below and within the terms of the Council Committee System Policy.


The Committee will provide advice and recommendations on matters in the following areas:

  • Identify short, medium and long term goals to deal with youth issues.
  • Identify and review opportunities for strengthening the City's existing programs and services.
  • Identify current and future trends that may influence the delivery of youth services.
  • Identify and review opportunities for corporate alliances.
  • Work in conjunction with other civic committees with respect to youth issues, strategies and initiatives.
  • Any other matters referred by Council
  • and may identify other areas for approval by Council.

The Committee may hear and consider representations by any individual, organization or delegation of citizens on matters referred to it from Council.


In addition to the Council liaison (non-voting) the Committee will be comprised of the following appointed pursuant to the Council Committee system policy:

  • up to fifteen community youth members (defined as any person between the ages of 12 and 19)
  • youth service agency resource personnel (non-voting)

Operations of the Committee

Committee Chair and Vice-Chair

  • The Committee will elect a chair and vice-chair by a majority vote of eligible voting members.

Meeting Schedule

  • The Committee will, at their organizational meeting each year, determine their meeting dates, time and location and shall meet at minimum twice per year.

Rules of Procedure

  • Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in the Council Procedure Bylaw and Committee System Policy.
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