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March 7,2006 Finance

4.1 2006 Operating Budget - continued review
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council approve the proposed 2006 5-Year Operating Budget.
Voting Against: Councillor Clay
I voted against this as it contains the provision for hiring a web technician in support of the Smart Choices / City Soup website operations .  As I have repeatedly stated, the smart choices 'deal' is bad for the city and the extra costs will NEVER be recovered under the current business model - the staff report advocates the position on the basis that the position will generate revenue through web hosting sales.  It wont.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2007 - 2010 Financial Plan be approved.
5.1 Integrated Library System
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT $30,000 be transferred from the library automation reserve into the 2006 capital budget to cover the shortfall for the Horizon integrated system project and that pre-approval be granted to begin this project.
5.2 Westhill Playfield Rehab project
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Contract PK-2006-001 for Westhill Park Sportsfield Redevelopment be awarded to Cedarcrest Lands (BC) Ltd. for $587,589.11 inclusive of taxes;

AND THAT the optional backstop and dugout structure be included in the contract;

AND THAT additional funding in the amount of $272,589 be funded from the sources identified in the Finance Committee report dated February 28,2006.
5.3 Ioco Church Funding Options
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council allocate $3,000 from the Planning and Development Services 2005 Heritage Projects surplus to the loco United church for roof repairs;
AND THAT Council waive the heritage alteration permit fee related to the roof approval.

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