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ICBC Zero Crash Month

ICBC Zero Crash Month is an initiative from ICBC to bring attention to and reduce the number of Motor Vehicle Accidents on our streets.  ICBC is challenging motorists to be cautious when driving, slow down, allow extra time and be more aware of their situation.  As an incentive, ICBC is offering prizes, including a trip and a Pontiac Torrent to those that sign up via the website and pledge (and succeed) in driving crash free in the month of October.
Aside from the obvious costs of property damage and personal injury, car accidents also cost the city as our police and fire departments are 'first responders' to accidents, so this has a direct impact on the city budget and hence, your taxes !
Port Moody has one of the higher crash rates per resident in the lower mainland area. 
 On average, Port Moody Residents are predicted to be in 102.58 accidents per 10,000 population (thats about 300 accidents for the Month of October).  By contrast, the GVRD avg is 70.71 and the Provincial Average 53.95.  We are at about TWICE the provincial average !
Our three highest crash locations in the city are:
   Barnet/St Johns and Ioco
   Guildford Way (around Ungless to Ioco)
   Heritage Mtn Boulevard and Ioco
SO - the three highest crash sites in Port Moody are all within about 200 metres of each other, encirclilng the Newport Village area !!
  SLOW DOWN AND PAY ATTENTION !!!  The solution seems pretty obvious , particularly if you are in these areas.
Please, sign up through the zero crash month website at - win a prize, and drive safely !
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