Committee Purpose
To provide a forum for the exchange of information between the City of Port Moody and B.C. Hydro’s Burrard Thermal Generating Plant.
The Committee will discuss issues and activities relative to operations at the Plant including, but not limited to, the following areas:
- existing or proposed operational changes at the Plant that would affect the environment
- proposed changes to operations at the Plant that would increase or decrease production volumes
- proposed changes to operations at the Plant relative to production methods
- strategic planning decisions or proposals that may impact the City
- opportunities for environmental protection and enhancement with respect to operational practices
- any other matters referred to the Committee by Council or B.C. Hydro
The Committee may hear and consider representations by any individual, organization or delegation of citizens on matters referred to it from Council or B.C. Hydro
In addition to the Council liaison, the Committee will be comprised of the following appointed pursuant to the Council Committee system policy:
- 4 members from the community-at-large
- 2 members representing B.C. Hydro.
- 1 member representing the Vancouver Port Authority
Operations of the Committee
Meeting Schedule
- The Committee will meet quarterly, or at the call of the Chair as issues arise.
Rules of Procedure
- Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in the Council Procedure Bylaw and Committee System Policy.
B.C. Hydro, Burrard Thermal Generating Plant will provide committee secretarial services.