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Jan 23,2007 Council Meeting

Committee Of The Whole
Agenda      Minutes
5.1 Land Use Committee Annual Report
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2006 annual report of the Land Use Committee be received for information.
5.2a Community Care Committee Affordable Housing SubCommittee
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
1. THAT the revised Port Moody Official Community Plan contain a specific section concerning the approach to be taken to address the issue of affordable housing as it relates to Port Moody residents;

2. THAT the list of potential initiatives included in this report be considered by Council in its deliberations concerning affordable housing issues.

5.2b Discussion Paper on regional affordable housing strategy - GVRD

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Council receive the Planning and Development Services discussion paper on a Regional Affordable Housing Strategy dated January 17, 2007 for information.
AND THAT Council forward their concerns to the GVRD with respect to the setting of affordable housing targets by the GVRD for Port Moody and proposed implementation measures to be included in the OCP’s Regional Context Statement as outlined in the Discussion Paper on a Regional Affordable Housing Strategy.

AND THAT the GVRD provide municipalities with adequate support and resources to encourage the development of affordable housing if local affordable housing targets are included as part of the final Regional Affordable Housing Strategy.

Regular Council
Agenda      Minutes
2. Public Input

Denise Lumagbas, 243 Balmoral Place, Port Moody, expressed concern to Council regarding the potential closure of Coronation Park Elementary.

3.1  Cheque Presentation
Polygon presenting cheque for $ 20000 towards new recreation centre.
Central Community School requesting that Port Moody declare Feb 12-16 Random Acts of Kindness Week
The Mayor presented a “Random Acts of Kindness Week” proclamation to the delegation.
3.3 Drinking Water Management Plan
Presentation by GVWD and Brian Carter (Operations Manager) and Colin McLean (Water Quality Technician) on the GVWD drinking water management plan and implementation steps.
4.1 Adoption of Minutes
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2725 be now adopted.
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the School Board for School District 43 be advised that Council has considered the School Board’s Amended 2007 Eligible School Sites Resolution and does not agree with the housing unit projections and student yield estimates for Port Moody or the multipliers used to calculate those projections and therefore cannot approve the School Board’s amended 2007 Eligible School Sites Resolution at this time;
AND THAT the School Board be invited to a meeting with Council to discuss the eligible school site proposal prior to February 13, 2007 which would allow Council to comment further within the 60 day time frame for comments.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Greater Vancouver Water District's (GVWD) Drinking Water Management Plan for the GVRD and Member Municipalities be received;
AND THAT the regional Drinking Water Management Plan be adopted;
AND THAT staff be directed to consider municipal actions of the Drinking Water Management Plan in the development of policy and programs for the water utility.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to issue a fee waiver to the Gleneagle Secondary School Dry Grad Committee in the amount of $307.40 for hosting the 2007 Dry Graduation event at the Port Moody Arena.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to prepare a Checklist that can be used to assess development proposals in the context of Smart Growth and/or Sustainability.
For the acquistion and disposal of major capital assets to be discussed in closed meetings.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS the Community Charter allows Council to meet in a Closed Meeting to discuss acquisition and disposal of land and improvements;
AND WHEREAS the financial impact on Local Government and rationale regarding risks of compromising the city’s negotiating and economic situation apply equally in the case of acquisition or disposal of major capital assets that do not constitute land and improvements;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council request that the Union of B.C. Municipalities petition the Province of British Columbia to amend the Community Charter to allow Council to discuss acquisition and disposal of major capital assets in a closed meeting.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City of Port Moody apply for a Government Performance Reporting Trailblazer Grant from the US National Centre for Civic Innovation to make a quarterly update of its internal Annual Report and City Action Plan available to the public online.
6.5 BC Spirit Square Grant
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council supports the planning process and development of a Spirit Square;

AND THAT staff proceed with a grant application to apply for Phase 1 funding for the BC Spirit Square Grant Program.

7.1 Ratification of Committee of the Whole Recommendations
7.2 Ratification of Finance Committee Recommendations
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of January 16, 2007 be endorsed as follows:
THAT the Heritage Commission’s existing budget be retained to complete ongoing projects which the Commission believes are very important;
AND THAT the reserve fund of $10,000 be allocated to an incentives program for heritage conservation;
AND THAT the Heritage Commission’s 2007 Work Plan and Budget will be based on the 2007-2011 Heritage Strategic Plan which is to be completed in early 2007.
THAT the $190,000 expenditure from the 2007 Capital Plan for the purchase of an electric ice resurfacer be pre-approved to facilitate delivery in time for fall of 2007.

10. Public Input
Dawn Cartwright, 215 Balmoral Place, Port Moody, Vice Chair, Parents Advisory Committee, distributed a report to Council which has been submitted to the School District No. 43 Board of Trustees outlining concerns regarding the potential closure of Coronation Park Elementary School, and expressed concern with the formula used to determine student enrollment within the Inlet Centre area.
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