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Apr 24,2007 Council Meeting

Committee of the Whole
Agenda       Minutes
Recommendation of the Boat Trailer Parking Working Group:
THAT one time funding in the amount of $20,000 for a traffic control person for the boat launch during the 2007 peak boating season be approved.
Staff Recommendation:
THAT the parking situation be monitored closely by existing staff, particularly during the long weekends, and that staff report to the Finance Committee if additional resources are necessary.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT one time funding in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for a traffic control person for the boat launch during the 2007 peak boating season be approved.

Voting Against:  Councillors Clay and Watkins

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT city staff approach the developer of the Boathouse Restaurant to discuss the possibility of their providing a portion of the funding required for a traffic control person for the boat launch during the 2007 peak boating season.
ETAD Recommendation:
THAT the Chamber of Commerce be requested to adopt a policy of support for completion of the Murray-Clarke Connector and to write to TransLink and the federal and provincial governments voicing support for the Connector and supporting calls for appropriate levels of funding from senior governments. 

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the Chamber of Commerce be requested to adopt a policy of support for completion of the Murray-Clarke Connector and to write to TransLink and the federal and provincial governments voicing support for the Connector and supporting calls for appropriate levels of funding from senior governments.
Regular Council Meeting
Agenda          Minutes
The Mayor provided a verbal update on actions taken to date by the city with respect to the Recovery by the Sea residential treatment centre located at 1732/1734 Ioco Road which is operating in contravention of city byaws. 
2 Public Input
Bob Hinkel, 1675 Ioco Road, asked about the city’s intended course of action to address non-compliance with the city’s zoning bylaw by the Recovery by the Sea residential treatment centre.
Wendy Swalwell, 2129 Clarke Street, expressed opposition to the proposed rezoning of 2127 Clarke Street citing concerns with over-densification of the area, parking issues, siting of the building and the potential for the Murray Clarke Connector alignment through the area.
Ann Hulbert, 1056 Ioco Road, commented on the recently held Festival of the Arts, thanking Helen Daniels of ArtsConnect for the studio tour and suggested the proposed development by the Royal Canadian Legion be revised to give it more heritage character.
Mickie Anderson, 1646 Ioco Road, spoke regarding the Recovery by the Sea residential treatment centre asking whether the provincial government provisions for licensing such facilities supercede the municipality’s authority to regulate zoning.
Colleen Pollock, 1740 Ioco Road, spoke of her experience living next door to the Recovery by the Sea residential treatment centre and expressed concerns regarding the operation of the centre.
Wayne Byhre, 1080 Beach Road, urged Council to require the closure of the Recovery by the Sea residential treatment centre.
Helen Daniels, 1029 Tuxedo Drive, Executive Director, ArtsConnect introduced Marianne LaRochelle, ArtsConnect Board member who spoke regarding the 10th Annual Festival of the Arts, advising of the organizational role of ArtsConnect in many of the events and thanking the city for its support of the arts.
Doug Howie, 231 Guildford Drive, clarified that he was not questioning whether the Public Hearing on Zoning Bylaw 1890 was properly advertised back in 1988.
Robert Fitzpatrick, 223 Guildford Drive, provided his understanding of how several properties on Guildford Drive were re-zoned from Single Family to Multi-Family.
3.1 Introduction - New director of Library Services
Andree Duval, Acting Director of Library Services introduced Heather Scouler, Port Moody’s new Director of Library Services.
3.2 Port Moody Localmotion Grant - Westhill Trails
The City Manager provided a PowerPoint presentation on a proposed Glenayre/College Park to Trans-Canada Trail connection.
Iain Black, MLA to City of Port Moody presented a cheque to the city in the amount of $350,000 representing provincial LocalMotion project funding for a new multi-use pathway connection to the Trans-Canada Trail in Port Moody.
3.3 Lets go POMO - Interactive Health Website
The Director of Community Services provided a demonstration of the Port Moody Lets Go Pomo Community Interactive Health Website.
3.4 Tsunami Relief Wheelchair Delivery
Sharon Urquhart, Executive Assistant to the City Manager made a presentation on the City of Port Moody’s contribution to the 2004 Southeast Asia tsunami relief efforts.
3.5  Port Moody Soccer Club - request for feasibility study for Inlet Park Artificial Field Complex Development.
Craig Dougans, representing the Port Moody Soccer Club requested Council’s support for a feasibility study into developing Inlet Athletic Park into a multi-field artificial turf complex.
4.2 Building and Plumbing Code Administration Bylaw Amendment

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2727 be now adopted.

Moved, seconded and DEFEATED

THAT third reading of Bylaw No. 2731 be rescinded.

Voting Against: Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Elliott, Rockwell and Watkins


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2731 be now adopted.

Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillor Lahti

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2732 be now adopted.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2733 be now read a first time.

Voting Against:  Mayor Trasolini


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2733 be now read a second time.

Voting Against:  Mayor Trasolini


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2733 be now read a third time.

Voting Against:  Mayor Trasolini
4.6 Parks and Community Facilities rules and regulations bylaw

Moved, seconded

THAT Bylaw No. 2721 be now read a first time.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the foregoing motion be amended to include the words, “with the following amendments:


·           In the definition for “Organized Activity” under Section 3 (e)  by replacing the words, “ a single family unit” with the words, “50 people”;


·           In Section 5 (a) by replacing the words, “No person shall permit a procession, march, drill parade, political or religious gathering or other public meeting except when organized and controlled by the City to be held in any park, playground or recreation area unless authorized by written consent of the Manager of Parks.” with the following:


            “No person shall permit a public gathering of more than 50 people except when organized and controlled by the City to be held in any park, playground or recreation area unless authorized by written consent of the Manager of Parks.”;


·           In Section 5 (b) by replacing the words, “twenty (20)” with the words, “fifty (50)”;


·           By deleting Section 11 (a)  “No person shall while within the confines of a park, playground or recreation area play at any game or engage in any recreation activity with a park, playground or recreation area except on such portions thereof as may be designated for that purpose and unless suitably equipped and dressed for such games.”

The motion on first reading of Bylaw No. 2721 as amended, was then put and CARRIED.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2721 be now read a second time. 


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2721 be now read a third time. 

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2722 be now read a first time.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2722 be now read a second time.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2722 be now read a third time.
4.7 2127 Clarke Street, Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Three Unit Townhome development

Moved, seconded and DEFEATED

THAT Bylaw No. 2734 be now read a first time.

Voting Against:  Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Clay, Elliott, Lahti, Rockwell, Watkins
4.8 45 Mary Street, Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment, Mail sorty facility

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2728 be now read a first time.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2728 be now read a second time.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2728 be referred to a Public Hearing to be held at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody, on May 7, 2007.
4.9 2513-2519 Clarke Street, Zoning Bylaw, Legion redevelopment
Mixed use residential, Commercial, Assited living facility development proposal

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2730 be now read a first time.

Voting Against:  Councillor Clay


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2730 be now read a second time.

Voting Against:  Councillor Clay


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2730 be referred to a Public Hearing to be held at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody, on May 7, 2007.

Voting Against:  Councillor Clay

Moved, seconded

THAT the city unilaterally discharge the Restrictive Covenant Design Guidelines for the North Shore Neighbourhoods South of David Avenue.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the foregoing motion be deferred to the May 7, 2007 Regular Council meeting.
5.1 30 Dowding Road, Service Works , Funding request

Resolution passed at the April 24, 2007 Special In-Camera meeting approved for public release:


THAT based on exceptional circumstances, the April 10, 2006, agreement between the City of Port Moody and the owner of 30 Dowding Road be amended to include compensation by the city up to $64,503 toward any costs incurred to provide upgrades to city services to be funded from appropriate reserves, subject to quantifiable proof by a professional third party of costs incurred.  
5.2 Guldford Drive Rezoning, 1988 OCP / Zoning Amendments
Report from planning staff
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the April 16, 2007 Planning and Development Services report be received for Council’s information.
5.3 239 Guildford Drive, Development Permit Application
Three Unit townhouse development

Moved, seconded

THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Permit No. 2007-58 subject to the required documentation, plans, tree removal permit, fees and securities having been submitted to the satisfaction of staff;


AND THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the foregoing motion be deferred pending receipt of a legal opinion relative to the proposed development permit for 239 Guildford Drive.
6.1 Communications Tower Proposal,  2625 Murray Street

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT staff forward a letter to Industry Canada raising objection to the development of monopole wireless communication tower at 2625 Murray Street and proposing alternate sites.
6.2 Fee Waiver Request, Tri Cities AA Women's Day Event
Kyle Centre

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT staff be authorized to issue a fee waiver to the Tri-Cities AA Women’s group in the amount of $335.59 for their annual Women’s Day.
6.3 Heritage Commission Appointment

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Darrell Penner be appointed to the Heritage Commission as the Port Moody Heritage Society representative.
7.1 Ratification of Committee of the Whole Resolutions
--see above--
8 Reports from Council

Councillor Rockwell proposed discontinuing the use of bottled water at civic facilities and for civic events as an environmental measure and to encourage the use of municipal water as an environmentally friendly alternative.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT staff report back to Council with a policy on the city’s discontinuation of the use or purchase of bottled water including for civic events.
April 28,2007 - Day of Mourning
April 29-May 5,2007 - Municipal Clerks Week
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