May 22,2007 Council Meeting
Committee of the Whole
Regular Council Meeting
2. Public Input
Derek Wilson, 1020 Dundonald Drive, expressed concerns with the parking of recreational vehicles in front yards in his neighbourhood and suggested the city introduce a bylaw prohibiting the parking of recreational vehicles in front yards with consideration given to grandfathering existing recreational vehicles.
Rosemary Nelson, 8974 Dewdney Trunk Road, requested assistance from the city in finding an alternate facility for the day care centre located in Seaview Elementary School which is scheduled to be closed.
Stuart Dahlke, 1033 Cecile Drive, asked if Council had approached the School Board to request that the day care centres located in the schools that are to be closed be permitted to continue to operate and asked about potential alternate locations in Port Moody for day care facilities.
Doug Cole, 14 Walton Way, submitted two pieces of correspondence from neighbours in support of his development application that was on the agenda for consideration by Council.
3.1 Peter Hulbert Award Presentation
Councillor Watkins, Chair, Community Care Committee presented Debbie Richardson with the 2006 Peter Hulbert Accessibility Award in the Accessibility Awareness category for her efforts in promoting the awareness of accessibility issues for the physically challenged in the community.
3.2 Social Planning Research Council of BC
Emese Szucs, Manager of Accessibility Programs, SPARC BC to advise Council of the 9th annual province wide Access Awareness Day initiative on June 2, 2007 and to request the support of Council in celebrating Access Awareness Day in the city.
4.2 Report of Public Hearing May 7,2007
- Canada Post , 45 Mary Street
- Legion, 2513-2519 Clarke Street
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Report of Public Hearing held Monday, May 7, 2007 be received.
4.3 2006 Amended Financial Plan
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2726 be now adopted.
14 Walton Way
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Land Use Contract for 14 Walton Way be varied in accordance with Development Variance Permit No. 2007-70 to reduce the front yard setback from 19.7 feet (6.0 meters) to 6.95 feet (2.12 meters);
AND THAT Development Variance Permit No. 2007-70 be issued subject to the finalization of the legal documentation to the satisfaction of staff;
AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
5.1 New View Society, Delegation Response
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the request from the New View Society for financial support to build a new club house be received.
The Director of Rehabilitation of the New View Society requested financial support to build a new club house and asked that if their request was referred to the city's grant process for consideration, that their organization be exempted from the grant policy's 50% Port Moody residency requirement.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff proceed with the Ioco Road Corridor Traffic Study with funding to be taken from the Major Road Network Operations, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Reserve.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City of Port Moody’s support for the continuation of Councillor Calvin Donnelly, City of New Westminster, as representative for the municipalities of Coquitlam, New Westminster, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody and the Village of Belcarra on the E-Comm Board of Directors be confirmed.
8.1 Council Reports - Councilor Rockwell
Moved , seconded and carried:
THAT Port Moody City Council requests the provincial government to defer third reading of Bill 36 (The GVTA Amendment Act, 2007) and to forward the proposed legislation to the UBCM for their analysis and input on the costs I impacts and governance implications to Lower Mainland municipalities of the proposed legislation, and to further request that the provincial government give serious consideration to recommendations that might come from the UBCM to address municipal concerns arising from the proposed legislation;
AND THAT Port Moody's request be forwarded to MLA lain Black requesting his assistance in lobbying the Minister in charge and the Premier to have third reading deferred.
8.2 Council Reports - Mayor Trasolini
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the sustainability workshop be held Saturday, September 15th;
AND THAT Council members be provided the opportunity to participate in setting the agenda.
May 10 - World Lupus Day
May 2007 - Falun Dafa Month
June 2 - Access Awareness Day
9.3 Release of In Camera Resolutions
In-Camera resolution from the February 27, 2007 Special In-Camera Council meeting approved for public release: |
THAT the Assignment & Assumption of Sublease With Consent agreement between the City of Port Moody, Rocky Point Development Inc, The Spectra Group of Great Restaurant Inc. and The Boathouse Restaurants of Canada Inc. be approved;
AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the aforementioned agreement. |
10. Public Input
Jack Lynn, 994 Weldon Court, advised he had observed that the city’s grass cutting contractor left a mess on the boulevard at Weldon Court, that he had reported it to the city and subsequently a city works crew was dispatched to clean up the area. He asked if the contractor would be charged for this city service. Staff was directed to investigate and report back to Council.