Mountain Bike Task Force
Committee Purpose
The purpose of the Mountain Biking Task Force is to develop a policy framework for the management of mountain biking on City-owned park land. The Task Group is a term task force and advisory to Council.
The Committee will provide advice and recommendations in the following areas:
2.1 Review of existing policies for mountain biking in City parks (Official Community Plan, Environmentally Sensitive Areas Strategy, Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Bert Flinn Park Task Force Report);
2.2 Review of literature on environmental impacts from mountain biking in riparian areas;
2.3 Review existing plans and policies including mapping of Bert Flinn Park and Chineside Park;
2.4 Site visits to areas of community concern (upper West Noons Creek, Bert Flinn Park);
2.5 Recommendations for management tools (i.e. criteria for evaluating proposed trail use including environmental measures such as erosion and loss of riparian habitat);
2.6 Develop framework including consideration of a Public Workshop and/or Public Displays to seek input from the community at large. The draft framework would be forwarded for review and comment by the Environmental Protection Committee and the Parks and Recreation Commission prior to submission to Council.
The members shall recognize the following mandate:
3.1 Protecting the City’s natural environment is consistent with Council’s Strategic Plan.
3.2 Consultation with stakeholders is a guiding principle.
3.3 The development of the policy framework must include the following considerations:
· Environmental issues including concerns for degradation and loss of habitat;
· Recreational programming needs and health benefits
· Multi-jurisdictional / land ownership including respect for private property rights
· Risk management including unauthorized trail and structure construction
· Ongoing operational and maintenance costs
· Partnerships and volunteer involvement for trail maintenance
4.1 General:
The Task Force will consist of two Council representatives who will serve as Chair and Vice Chair, and eight community members representing a cross section of interests appointed pursuant to the Council Committee system policy:
· 3 - Representatives from the mountain biking community (Tri Cities Off Road Cycling Coalition TORCC, SPOKE)
· 3 - Representatives from environmental stewardship groups (Burke Mountain Naturalists, Port Moody Ecological Society, Mossom Creek Hatchery)
· 1 - Representative from the Environmental Protection Committee
· 1 - Representative from the Parks and Recreation Commission
4.2 Staff Support:
a. Staff will be appointed by the City Manager to provide support, information and carry out research required by the Task Force.
b. The City’s Committee Secretary will be made available to the Task Force for taking minutes, circulating information and other clerical responsibilities.
Operations of the Task Force
5.1 The Task Force will operate under the following guidelines:
a. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in the Council Procedure Bylaw and Committee System Policy.
b. It is estimated that 3-4 meetings will be required with a target completion date of April 2007.
5.2 General Conditions: The Task Force may consult with other persons, organizations or government agencies.