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July 10,2007 - Council Meeting

Committee of the Whole (Pt 1)
Agenda      Minutes
Social Action Team

Letter: Regional Vancouver Urban Observatory dated April 12, 2007

Information package and survey forms distributed on-table

Meg Holden, Director, Regional Vancouver Urban Observatory, Nancy Henderson, Executive Director, SPARC BC and Michael McKnight, CEO, United Way of the Lower Mainland introduced the work of the Sustainable Region Initiative Social Action Team to build municipal support for region-wide work on addressing social sustainability issues, especially using the tool of social sustainability indicators. Clare Mochrie, Project Manager and Martin Gascuel, Research Assistant of the Regional Vancouver Urban Observatory were also in attendance.

Committee of the Whole (Pt 2)
Agenda      Minutes

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT staff be directed to work with the Crossroads Hospice Society to develop a plan for a Labyrinth Healing Garden and report back to Committee of the Whole

Item not dealt with.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the city proceed with a traffic calming initiative for Barber Lane;

AND THAT a neighbourhood traffic calming advisory committee be established and chaired by Ms. M. Carr-Hilton.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the city proceed with a traffic calming initiative for lower and middle Ravine Drive;

AND THAT a neighbourhood traffic calming advisory committee be established and chaired by Mr. W. Petrie.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Council receive the following homelessness reports for information:
1) Homelessness Action Strategy for the Tri-Cities", May 2007 prepared for the Tri-Cities Homelessness Task Group

2)  "2nd Report on the Homeless in Tri-Cities", October 2006 – March 2007 submitted by the Managing Director of Hope for Freedom Society.

Regular Council Meeting
Agenda      Minutes

2. Public Input
Donna Otto, 2722 Henry Street, Artistic Director of Coastal Sound International Choral Festival reported on the success of the 2007 festival and advised that the next festival would be held June 29 - July 5, 2009.
Ann Hulbert, 1056 Ioco Road, commented on the success of the Heritage Society’s Canada day event. She also suggested actions to address the traffic volume on Ioco Road created by those accessing lakes in the area during the summer months.
Gerald Esau, 190 Aspenwood Drive, representing Port Moody Amateur Hockey as first Vice President, expressed opposition to revising the proposed 2007/2008 arena ice allocation schedule if it would impact his organization’s allocated ice time.

3.1  Mayor For A Minute
Award Presentation

Mayor Trasolini reported on the success of the Mayor for a Minute event held during the 2007 Canada Day festivities in which children were invited to give their ideas to Council about Port Moody’s environment, global warming, caring for the planet and going "green", advising that over 200 children participated and that all the ideas would be reviewed and three winners would be announced at the September 11, 2007 Council meeting.

Dianne Archer, Chair, Clare Connolly, Board Member Fraser-Burrard Community Justice Society provided information to Council regarding the Community Youth Justice Program.


Cathie Young, Vice-President Stage 43, representing Theatre 4 Community Theatre Coalition requested assistance in locating a rehearsal, storage, set building and possible performance space for community theatre.

Ms. Young requested that the city assist them in securing one of the schools that is being closed in School District 43 and make it available to Theatre 4 Community Theatre Coalition at an affordable price.

Alternatively, if they are not successful in acquiring one of the schools, they requested that the city provide a suitable subsidized civic property or, if they must find a suitable property on their own, that the city purchase the property and make it available to Theatre 4 Community Theatre Coalition at reasonable terms.

3.4 Port Moody Old Timers Hockey
Doug Brown representing the Port Moody Old Timers Hockey Association addressed Council regarding Port Moody’s arena ice schedule for 2007/2008 requesting their association’s Thursday night ice time be returned to what was originally scheduled by the city at the beginning of the year.
5.1 Traffic Safety Committee - Terms of Reference
Change drom Standing to Select Committee

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the amendments to the Terms of Reference for the Traffic Safety Committee be approved as attached to the July 3, 2007 report from the City Clerk.

Voting Against: Councillor Dilworth

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the arena ice allocation schedule as presented in attachment 1, be approved for implementation by staff for the 2007/2008 ice season subject to the Thursday evening ice time in Arena 2 being granted to the Old Timers Hockey Association rather than to the Tri City Female Hockey Association;

AND THAT the Tri City Female Hockey Association be advised to seek space in other facilities.

6.2 Travel and Expense Policy
Amendments to corporate policy for expenses

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the amendments to the Travel and Expense Policy No. 5-1800-1 be approved;

AND THAT staff be authorized to update the addendum to the policy annually to reflect appropriate increases to the per diem rates.


The City’s Water Quality Technician made a PowerPoint presentation on the 2006 Water Quality Report.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the 2006 Water Quality Report be received


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT staff proceed with the application for grant consideration in the School Community Connections Program for the North Shore Community Park Tennis Courts.

6.5 Amendment to Acting Mayor Assignments

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Councillor Clay be appointed Acting Mayor during the period July 17 – 22, 2007.

7.1 Committee of the Whole - Ratifcation of resolutions

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of July 10, 2007 be endorsed as follows:

THAT staff be directed to work with the Crossroads Hospice Society to develop a plan for a Labyrinth Healing Garden and report back to Committee of the Whole.

THAT the city proceed with a traffic calming initiative for Barber Lane;
AND THAT a neighbourhood traffic calming advisory committee be established and chaired by Ms. M. Carr-Hilton.
THAT the city proceed with a traffic calming initiative for lower and middle Ravine Drive;
AND THAT a neighbourhood traffic calming advisory committee be established and chaired by Mr. W. Petrie.
THAT Council receive the following homelessness reports for information:
-Homelessness Action Strategy for the Tri-Cities", May 2007 prepared for the Tri-Cities Homelessness Task Group
-"2nd Report on the Homeless in Tri-Cities", October 2006 – March 2007 submitted by the Managing Director of Hope for Freedom Society.
7.2 Finance Committee - Ratification of resolutions

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of May 22, 2007 be endorsed as follows:

THAT staff report back to the Finance Committee with both the costs for renovation of the Councillors’ meeting room subject to a ceiling cost of $10,000 and space plans showing the square footage.

THAT THE Council Indemnity Task Force be re-established for 2008.

THAT staff be directed to investigate the legislative requirements for authorization to attend conferences;
AND THAT staff survey other municipalities as to their process for authorizing Council members’ attendance at conferences and report back to the Finance Committee.

THAT the Alderside Sanitary Lift Station project budget shortfall of $43,000 be funded from the carried forward capital budget for Sanitary Sewer Replacement, Account CSW05060 in the amount of $25,000 and sanitary sewer reserves in the amount of $18,000.

8.1 Council Reports
10 Public Input
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