Sep 11,2007 Council Meeting
Committee of the Whole
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT all nineteen properties as identified by the SOS Sub-Committee of the Heritage Commission be included in Port Moody Heritage Register for 2007.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay and Watkins
I voted against this as several of the properties (10) owners had responded to the city that they did NOT wish to have thier propoerties included on the register. I questioned what the implications were for the property owners and did not receive what I considered a satisfactory answer - despite being told that the city could not block owners modifications, alterations or demolition, it appears that the community charter DOES give the power to the city to withhold permits and authorizations to properties on the register.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council approve and forward the letter, as attached to the Director of Finance and I.T.’s August 24, 2007 report, to the UBCM.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the request to install an automatic door opener on the parkade door at City Hall be forwarded to the Finance Committee for consideration as part of the 2008 operating budget for facility maintenance and upgrades.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City Clerk’s report dated August 9, 2007 regarding the maximum number of terms that may be served on committees, commissions and boards be received.
Moved, seconded
THAT two members of the Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee and two members of the Games Legacy Task Force be invited to attend the 2007 Wearable Art Awards on September 22nd, 2007 and report back to their respective committees.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by replacing the period “.” With a semi-colon “;” and adding the following: “AND THAT the city reimburse the cost for their tickets.”
The motion, as amended, was then put and CARRIED as follows:
THAT two members of the Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee and two members of the Games Legacy Task Force be invited to attend the 2007 Wearable Art Awards on September 22nd, 2007 and report back to their respective committees;
AND THAT the city reimburse the cost for their tickets.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the agenda for the Port Moody Council Sustainability Workshop be received.
Regular Council Meeting
2. Public Input
Wendy Swalwell, 2129 Clarke Street, on behalf of the Moody Centre Community Association thanked staff and Council for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Moody Centre Traffic Calming Study. Ms. Swalwell requested that the whole traffic calming plan be implemented and suggested temporary measures could be implemented before permanent measures were put in place in order to gauge the effectiveness of the whole plan.
David Ritcey, 2518 St. George Street, requested that the traffic calming measures outlined in the Moody Centre Traffic Calming Study be implemented earlier than the targeted five year plan.
Jamie Stolar, 408 – 3148 St. Johns Street, and Sarah Zentingh spoke regarding their application to the City for a proposed music festival at Rocky Point Park.
Helen Brown, 2829 St. George Street, spoke in support of the Moody Centre Traffic Calming Study and requested that the measures be implemented quickly and advised of her support for the use of diagonal diverters.
Darryl Skipworth, 1074 Gatensbury Road, spoke in support of the Moody Centre Traffic Calming Study requesting completion of the measures prior to five years and requested that the frequency of pedestrian crossings along St. Johns Street at controlled intersections be extended on evenings and weekends.
Michelle Candido, TransLink provided an overview of the Ride-Share program and promoted the first annual Ride-Share Week taking place September 17-21, 2007.
Ann Kitching, Past President, and Nikki Bryce, Festival Coordinator, Port Moody Arts Centre Society, presented highlights from the 10th Anniversary Festival of the Arts held April 13 – 27, 2007.
Councillor Clay, spoke on behalf of the Canadian Cancer Society’s Cops for Cancer Tour de Coast representatives who could not be in attendance, advising that the event taking place September 20–29, 2007 which will raise funds for pediatric cancer research and programs, has a fundraising goal of $150,000 and noted that pledges can be submitted on-line. ( and follow links to
3.4 Economic Development and benefits of Suterbrook Hotel
The Director of Corporate Relations presented some of the anticipated economic and tourism benefits to be derived from the Suter Brook Hotel upon its completion including:
- conference space large enough to host various City sponsored events as well as Provincial and Regional events;
- close proximity to other amenities; and,
- potential for hotel tax revenue to fund tourism.
4.2 Report of public hearing - July 24
2209 St Johns Street, Heritage Revitalization
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Report of the Public Hearing held Tuesday, July 24, 2007 be received.
“City of Port Moody Waterworks Amendment Bylaw No. 5, 2007, No. 2743” a bylaw to regulate the re-sale of municipal water.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2743 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2743 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2743 be now read a third time.
Onni Suter Brook - Parcel E
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Authorization No. 2007-63 subject to the required documentation, plans, fees and securities having been submitted to the satisfaction of staff, including an amended Servicing Agreement;
THAT Council support the Modification of the Land Use Contract Agreement in order to allow the additional minor building setback variances required for Parcel E;
AND THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
Moved, seconded
THAT Corporate Policy 1-0360-1 – Council Committee System be approved as amended.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the following after the word, “amended”:
“subject to the following additional amendment:
Section 8.2 be amended to read, “Following review by the staff liaison and the Chair, the minutes shall be certified as correct by the Committee Coordinator and”.
The motion, as amended, was then put and CARRIED as follows:
THAT Corporate Policy 1-0360-1 – Council Committee System be approved as amended subject to the following additional amendment:
Section 8.2 be amended to read, “Following review by the staff liaison and the Chair, the minutes shall be certified as correct by the Committee Coordinator and”.
5.1 Ports Competitive Initiative
Verbal Report, City Manager
The City Manager reported on a media release received from the Ministry of Finance earlier in the day advising that the tax cap on port properties had been extended for a further 10 years. Mr. Royer noted that compensation to the city would be indexed at the rate of inflation which is a change from the current compensation structure which has been frozen at 2003 levels.
5.2 Murray Clarke Connector
Verbal Report, Mayor Trasolini
The Mayor advised of the necessity to receive confirmation of funding from TransLink for the Murray- Clarke Connector project by the end of this year given that the project is part of TransLink’s three year plan which ends this year and the current TransLink Board will be disbanded at the end of the year and a new governing body will take over. Mayor Trasolini advised of his intent to bring forward a notice of motion to the first meeting of the TransLink Board in October to ensure the issue of funding the Murray-Clarke Connector is dealt with before the end of the year.The Director of Engineering, Parks and Operations presented the chronology of the evolution of the Murray- Clarke Connector project.
Moved, seconded
THAT the traffic calming measures as outlined in the Moody Centre Neighbourhood Traffic Study (2007) be implemented in phases over the next five years based on availability of funds from annual financial plans and priorities;
AND THAT any new traffic circles throughout Port Moody be installed consistent with industry best practices;
AND THAT staff investigate the relocation of a portion of the St. George Street bicycle route to St. Andrews Street and implement the change if deemed to be a safer alternative.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by replacing the words, “implemented in phases over the next five years based on availability of funds from annual financial plans and priorities” with the words, “approved and forwarded to the Finance Committee”.
The motion, as amended, was then put and CARRIED as follows:
THAT the traffic calming measures as outlined in the Moody Centre Neighbourhood Traffic Study (2007) be approved and forwarded to the Finance Committee;
AND THAT any new traffic circles throughout Port Moody be installed consistent with industry best practices;
AND THAT staff investigate the relocation of a portion of the St. George Street bicycle route to St. Andrews Street and implement the change if deemed to be a safer alternative.
Verbal Report, Mayor Tasolini, Councillor Dilworth
The Mayor reported on the recent announcement by West Coast Express of its intention to increase parking fares at its stations. Mayor Trasolini advised that the TransLink Board did not approve these increases and he has since confirmed with TransLink that this was a decision made at the staff level. He further advised that he has provided notice to the TransLink Chair that he intends to bring this issue up at the October TransLink Board meeting. He expressed concern that although the city promotes the use of public transit, the parking fare increases may discourage users from using the West Coast Express.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the memorandum from Councillor Dilworth dated September 11, 2007, regarding West Coast Express parking /fare increases be received.
Mosaic Townhouse Development 3313 Dewdney Trunk
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the installation of the proposed public art project at the Mosaic Homes townhouse development proceed.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Planning and Development Services report dated August 30, 2007 be received for information.
Port Side Music Festival
Moved, seconded
THAT the special events festivals application relative to the proposed Port Side Music Festival be referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Police Department, and the Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee for further discussion concerning community impact and report back with an updated recommendation;
AND THAT the application be referred to the Finance Committee for discussion concerning budget allocation.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the words, “THAT Council supports in principle the proposed Port Side Music Festival;” as the first paragraph and the word, “And” be added to the beginning of the second paragraph.
The motion, as amended, was then put and CARRIED as follows:
THAT Council supports in principle the proposed Port Side Music Festival;
AND THAT the special events festivals application relative to the proposed Port Side Music Festival be referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Police Department, and the Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee for further discussion concerning community impact and report back with an updated recommendation;
AND THAT the application be referred to the Finance Committee for discussion concerning budget allocation.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff and council members take part in the October 9th, 2007 commemorative re-dedication ceremony by planting a single tree on that day acknowledging the re–dedicating of the “Peace Park” and that this area be included on city park maps;
AND THAT the City re-plant the additional five trees and install a dedication plaque at the site after the expansion of the Recreation Centre and surrounding landscape of Town Centre Park is complete.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council receive the Draft Regional Affordable Housing Strategy report dated August 29, 2007 for information;
AND THAT Council direct staff to reaffirm Council’s concerns with respect to the setting of affordable housing targets by Metro Vancouver for Port Moody and the proposed implementation measures to be included in the OCP’s Regional Context Statement and a local Housing Action Plan as outlined in the Draft Regional Affordable Housing Strategy;.
AND THAT Council direct staff to reaffirm Council’s request that Metro Vancouver and senior levels of government provide municipalities with adequate support and resources to encourage the development of affordable housing if local affordable housing targets are included as part of the final Regional Affordable Housing Strategy;
AND THAT Metro Vancouver’s Draft Regional Affordable Housing Strategy be referred to the Community Care Committee for comment at its October 1, 2007 meeting and report back to the October 9, 2007 Council meeting.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report dated September 4, 2007 from the Manager of Building, Bylaws and Licensing be received for information.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Planning and Development Services report dated September 4, 2007 be received for information.
Item dealt with at Committee of the Whole meeting. Item removed from agenda.
Composition change
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Traffic Safety Committee Terms of Reference be amended to increase the community membership from six to nine members;
AND THAT the new membership requirements come into effect for the 2008 committee year.
6.12 Appointment, vice Chair, Games Legacy Task Force
Item removed from agenda.
7.1 Ratification of Committee of the Whole resolutions
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of September 11, 2007 be endorsed as follows:
THAT all nineteen properties as identified by the SOS Sub-Committee of the Heritage Commission be included in Port Moody Heritage Register for 2007.
THAT Council approve and forward the letter, as attached to the Director of Finance and I.T.’s August 24, 2007 report, to the UBCM.
THAT the request to install an automatic door opener on the parkade door at City Hall be forwarded to the Finance Committee for consideration as part of the 2008 operating budget for facility maintenance and upgrades.
THAT the City Clerk’s report dated August 9, 2007 regarding the maximum number of terms that may be served on committees, commissions and boards be received.
THAT two members of the Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee and two members of the Games Legacy Task Force be invited to attend the 2007 Wearable Art Awards on September 22nd, 2007 and report back to their respective committees;
AND THAT the city reimburse the cost for their tickets.
THAT the agenda for the Port Moody Council Sustainability Workshop be received.
7.2 Ratification of Finance Committee resolutiions
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of July 31, 2007 be endorsed as follows:
THAT the Finance Committee not allocate a grant to the Community Integration Services Society and that the Society be invited to apply next year through the City’s formal grants to organizations process.
THAT the City share half the costs with School District 43 to install a gate at the entrance to the lower parking lot of Heritage Mountain Elementary School, and the funding source be the unallocated operating reserve.
THAT Contract No. CPK07014 for the Shoreline Park Pedestrian Bridges be awarded to Mutual Construction (2000) Ltd. For the tender amount of $158,915.20 including GST;
AND THAT the budget shortfall of $63,141.40 be funded from the Tidal Park Reserve.
THAT staff proceed with the Barnet Highway west bound concrete bridge deck repairs and Barnet Highway road pavement surface repairs;
AND THAT the total repair cost of $70,000 be funded from MRN Reserves.
THAT the capital funds from the approved truck-mounted hydraulics be re-allocated as outlined in the e-mail dated July 4, 2007 from the Utilities Supervisor.
THAT the request for funding not be approved for the Tri Cities Gymnasts, and staff be directed to reply to the applicant to advise that the athletes do not meet the City’s grants criteria and to wish the gymnasts good luck in qualifying for the World Team.
8.1 Council reports
10 Public Input
Wendy Swalwell, 2129 Clarke Street, advised that the public art components in the current traffic circles were too high, thereby posing a safety hazard, and requested that Council consider this when including art components in traffic calming measures. Ms. Swalwell invited Council to attend a meeting the MCCA hoped to set up with Port Moody’s Member of Parliament and TransLink representatives to discuss the Murray-Clarke Connector following TransLink’s Board meeting in October.