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Nov 13,2007 Council

Committee of the Whole - Part 1
3.1 Sign Bylaw 
Committee of the Whole - Part 2
Agenda            Minutes

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT due to the physical deterioration and safety hazard of the building at 2330 Clarke Street, it is with regret that the Heritage Commission does not object to the removal of 2330 Clarke Street from the Port Moody Heritage Register.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the following geographic areas be approved for the purposes of determining representation on select committees requiring geographic representation:


  • Moody Centre – Albert Street to East boundary
  • College Park/ Glenayre – Barnet to West boundary
  • Inlet Centre – South of Noons Creek North of Barnet
  • Pleasantside / Ioco – Ioco to North West boundary
  • Heritage Mountain– North of Ungless to North municipal boundary


AND THAT the boundaries of the geographic areas be as outlined in the map attached to the October 30, 2007 report of the City Clerk and the Director of Planning and Development Services;
AND THAT the five geographic areas be identified in the terms of reference of select committees requiring community representation by geographic location.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the 2007 annual report of the Heritage Commission be received for information.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the 2007 annual report of the Parks and Recreation Commission be received for information;


AND THAT the Parks and Recreation Commission review the annual report and bring forward its annual work plan by the end of February 2008.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the 2007 annual report of the Community Care Committee be received for information;


AND THAT the Community Care Committee review the annual report and bring forward its annual work plan by the end of February 2008.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the 2007 annual report of the Port Moody Fire Department Advisory Committee be received for information;


AND THAT the Port Moody Fire Department Advisory Committee review the annual report and bring forward its annual work plan by the end of February 2008.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the 2007 annual report of the Traffic Safety Committee be received for information;


AND THAT the Traffic Safety Committee review the annual report and bring forward its annual work plan by the end of February 2008.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the 2007 annual report of the Boat Trailer Parking Working Group be received for information.

Moved and seconded

THAT the report titled “Cost Leadership Suggestions of Staff – 2008 – 2012 Financial Plan” dated November 8, 2007 be received for information.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the Cost Leadership Suggestions of Staff 2008-2012 Financial Plan be deferred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting.
5.10 Sign Bylaw 2403

Discussion ensued with Council providing comments relative to:

·         support for the proposed application process;

·         support for limiting the placement of sandwich board signs to within a certain proximity of a business;

·         preference for plain wording of the guidelines;

·         support for more aggressive enforcement ;

·         attaching the guidelines to business licences; and
·         ensuring there are guidelines prohibiting the blocking of pedestrian paths
Direction was provided to staff to report back to the Council with proposed amendments to the current
sign bylaw based on the guidelines presented and the feedback from Council.
Regular Council Meeting
Agenda           Minutes
2. Public Input
Hazel Mason made a PowerPoint presentation relative to tree protection, eco-density, and environmental impacts of  population growth and development in Port Moody.
4.2 Council Procedure Bylaw 2745

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2745 be now adopted.

Moved, seconded and DEFEATED

THAT Bylaw No. 2740, without reference to the three options for cost recovery of Anmore and Belcarra residents’ fees on the fitness admissions schedule for the new recreation complex, be now read a first time.

Voting against:  Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Elliott, Lahti and Rockwell


Moved and seconded

THAT thefitness admissions schedule for the new recreation complex include option A for cost recovery of Anmore and Belcarra residents’ fees.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the foregoing motion be deferred until such time as staff report back on the math behind the numbers presented in the options and estimated impact of each option.

Voting against:  Councillors Lahti and Rockwell


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT consideration of the fees bylaw be deferred until staff report back to Council with the information requested on the options for cost recovery of Anmore and Belcarra residents’ fees for the new recreation centre complex.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2742 be now read a first time as amended to address wording inconsistencies within Sections 5 and 10 and to remove the word “to” before the “:” in Section 5.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2742 be now read a second time.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2742 be now read a third time.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2728 be now adopted.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Permit No. 2007-66 and Development Permit No. 2007-72 subject to the submission of a final engineering plan, required fees and securities and documentation to the satisfaction of staff;


AND THAT the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2751 be now read a first time.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2751 be now read a second time.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2751 be now read a third time.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT staff prepare the necessary bylaw amendments to control the appearance of temporary fencing associated with construction and/or demolition activities;


AND THAT staff investigate implementing a Vacant Lot Surcharge for consideration of Council.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the dwelling at 2330 Clarke Street be removed from the Port Moody Heritage Register in order to facilitate its demolition. 

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the Planning and Development Services Department report dated November 6, 2007 be received for information purposes.


Moved, seconded and DEFEATED

THAT staff report back with a draft tree protection bylaw for private property.

Voting against:  Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Elliott, Lahti, Rockwell and Watkins


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT staff undertake a process to engage the community to gauge support for a tree protection bylaw;


AND THAT the results from the survey be reported back to Council for further direction based on the response to the survey.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT a change in the curling lounge seating capacity from 125 to 150 seats be approved;


AND THAT council has considered potential impacts of the increase in seating capacity including, but limited to, the potential for noise, the impact on the community and the requirement for a public consultation process;


AND THAT council has resolved that any potential noise or other negative impacts that could result from this increased capacity have been reviewed and found to be very minimal;


AND THAT a separate public consultation process outside of the initial processes completed at the outset of the recreation centre expansion project was not necessary.

Voting against:  Councillors Clay, Dilworth and Watkins 

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

 the September 23, 2008 Council meeting be cancelled.
 the first meeting in November be held on Wednesday, November 12, 2008.
the 2008 Council Meeting Schedule be approved as amended to reflect the July 8th meeting being held offsite
at Kyle Centre and the November 25th meeting being held in the Council Chambers.
notice of the availability of the 2008 Council Meeting Schedule be given in accordance with Community Charter requirements.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the Parks Canada Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places be adopted to guide conservation in Port Moody.

Moved, seconded and DEFEATED

THAT Corporate Policy 1-0630-1 – Proclamations be approved.

Voting against:  Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Elliott, Lahti, Rockwell and Watkins.


Councillor Rockwell left the meeting at 8:55 p.m. and returned to the meeting at 8:59 p.m.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT all proclamation requests go before Council for consideration.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Council approve the request for a fee waiver for curling ice rental for the Port Moody curling leagues for a one week period during 2007.

Councillor Dilworth advised that on several occasions she had witnessed a lack of parking at the Port Moody West Coast Express station and that officials had been redirecting motorists to the Coquitlam station.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Council forward correspondence to TransLink/West Coast Express requesting that they use the increased revenue that they are receiving from the parking increase to undertake a parking study in Port Moody with a focus on identifying potential solutions to the supply/demand issue;


AND THAT staff report back at the next Council meeting with the following information:
whether TransLink/West Coast Express is being charged the Automobile Parking Lot fee as outlined in the fees bylaw;
the ramifications of terminating the parking agreement with BC Transit and either handing over the responsibility to Impark or the City;
and a map indicating the City owned portion of the land on which the parking lot is located.
7.1 Ratification of Resolutions from Committee of the Whole

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of November 13, 2007 be endorsed as above
7.2 Ratification of Resolutions from Finance Committee

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the following resolution of the Finance Committee meeting of Tuesday, October 30, 2007 be endorsed as follows:
THAT the contract for the traffic signal at St. Johns Street and Grant Street be awarded to Bay Hill Contracting Ltd.;
AND THAT $27,010.92 be transferred from account CEN07065 to account CEN06083 to cover the shortfall.
Voting against:  Councillor Watkins
THAT the cardio and strength training fitness equipment for the recreation complex be purchased through Technogym.
THAT the budget for the fitness centre be increased by $51,900 funded from the Infrastructure Asset Renewal Reserve, with annual repayment to the reserve from fitness revenues over a 10 year period.
Voting against:  Councillor Clay

THAT a public budget overview be held in conjunction with the committee orientation meeting in January 2008 in lieu of the inaugural committee meetings;

AND THAT staff report back with an action plan.

THAT the 2008-2012 Utilities Financial Plan Report from the Finance & IT Department dated October 31, 2007 be received;

AND THAT the 2008 utility rates outlined in the report be approved and included in the Fees Bylaw.

8.2 Staff Reports

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT staff be permitted to proceed with the sole source purchase of road salt due to a province-wide shortage.
10 Public Input 
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