Project Updates
- Major Developments
Information, timelines, documents related to major developments.
- Firehall #1 Reconstruction
Replacement of firehall # 1 to address decaying state of the building and seismic issues, 2011 project
- Rec Centre Expansion
Recreation Centre Expansion , to add 2nd sheet of ice, gymnasium, walking track, field house (for soccer field) and various additional indoor amenities.
- Public Safety Building
Reconstruction of the existing police building, including additional facilities for the BC Ambulance service and CP Police.
- Rocky Point Park Improvements
Rocky Point Park renovations, including drainage improvements, park services building, water park, wading pool, increased parking capacity, and more.
This page includes information intended to keep you informed on the progress of various city projects taking place throughout the community - their timelines and budgets and the scope of the work being undertaken.
You can also check the city website for up to date and background information.