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Jan 22,2008 Council Meeting

Committee of the Whole
Agenda                 Minutes

Council provided comments to staff regarding the proposed amendments to the Animal Control Bylaw as follows:

• concerns expressed regarding limiting number of dogs per household; suggested public input into such a change;

• suggest wording change relative to when bylaw enforcement officers are permitted to enter onto private property or deemphasize this provision in the bylaw;

• request information back on survey results of other municipalities relative to whether they limit the number of dogs per household;

• duplication of wording in Bylaw No. 2678 and Schedule “A” to the bylaw.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff bring back revised drafts of Bylaw No. 2677 and Bylaw No. 2678 for Council consideration at a future Committee of the Whole meeting addressing the issues identified by Council, and looking for opportunities for public comment.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Sustainability Checklist be received for information;
AND THAT following housekeeping revisions, the Sustainability Checklist be forwarded to all civic committees for review and comment as appropriate and report back to Council.
Public Hearing
Agenda                 Minutes
City Of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 183, 2007, No. 2752” a bylaw to  allow for temporary overnight shelter use at 2318 St. John’s Street (St. Andrew’s United Church).
Public Input
Wendy Swalwell, 2129 Clarke Street, representing the Moody Centre Community Association, advised there have been concerns raised by residents living in the immediate vicinity of the shelter and requested clarification as to why Port Moody chose not to enter into a housing agreement with the proponent, on procedures if someone was ejected from the shelter and on the numbers of people that have been picked up to be taken to the shelter. She suggested there were better pick up locations than Rocky Point Park.

David Ritcey, 2518 St. George Street, suggested a housing agreement with the proponent would provide more clarity on the terms and conditions that must be adhered to by the shelter and would be easier to revoke than the Zoning bylaw amendment if the terms and conditions were breached.

Carl Severson, 3028 Fleet Street, Coquitlam, representing the Tri-Cities Citizens Permanent Shelter Committee indicated the temporary shelter does not provide any long term services and that homelessness is not a short term problem and urged Council to support the committee’s objective to find a permanent homeless shelter for the Tri-Cities before December, 2008. He suggested a housing agreement is necessary to make the temporary shelter service providers accountable.

Bernie Hiller, 2601 Spuraway Avenue, Coquitlam, spoke in support of the mat program, noting the large number of volunteers, including school children that have assisted at the shelter since it opened.

Linda Rubideux, 3367 Liuci Pool Street, Port Coquitlam, Pastor at the Northside Foursquare Church where the temporary shelter program was first initiated, spoke in support of the mat program, advising that the shelter in Port Coquitlam did not impact the neighbourhood, that she herself had been homeless at one time, that the program has assisted people in bettering their lives and that she realizes this is a temporary solution and that a permanent shelter is needed.

Shain Carruthers, 2430 Shaughnessy Street, Port Coquitlam, spoke in support of the mat program and spoke of his experiences as an outreach worker, advising that he knows of people who have been helped off the streets due to the outreach and mat programs and that he realizes this is a temporary solution and that a permanent shelter is needed. He advised that the homeless police themselves as they value the service that is provided.

Lisa Batista, 14 – 3326 Raleigh Street, Port Coquitlam  Supervisor of the mat program, spoke in support of the mat program, advising that the program makes a difference in the community and that there are many reasons people become homeless and that she herself was homeless at one time. She noted that by following established policies and procedures, staff have successfully dealt with any issues that have arisen since the shelter opened.

Darren Charuk, 1945 Salisbury Avenue, Port Coquitlam, spoke in support of the mat program as an outreach worker, indicating the mat program has made a huge difference and that he realizes this is a band-aid solution and that a permanent shelter is needed. He advised there were only a very limited number of beds available in New Westminster prior to the mat program.

Doreen Carter, no fixed address, spoke in support of the mat program as one of the people who uses the program, indicating it does make a difference.

Patrick McGrath, #40 - 675 Noons Creek Drive, spoke in support of the mat program, advising that while there were fears expressed by members of the community prior to the shelters opening, those fears haven’t been realized. He advised that the Port Moody shelter has received support from throughout the community.

Alex McIntyre, 442 Cardiff Way, spoke in support of the mat program

Tim Lissmore, #1 – 302 Afton Lane, spoke in support of the mat program, advising that there is a great deal of community support for the shelter and that concerns have been addressed by policies and procedures.

Ron Curties, 1901 – 200 Newport Drive, spoke in support of the mat program, extending appreciation to the congregation of the St. Andrew’s United Church, Hope for Freedom and the Outreach group and the federal and provincial governments for their contributions in making the mat program possible. He suggested that with federal and provincial support a permanent solution could be found.

Daniel Pederson, 170 – 101 Parkside Drive, spoke in support of the mat program, indicating this is a responsibility of the community until a permanent solution is found and provided statistics on the number of people sheltered and fed through the mat program.

Art Long, 3372 Viewmount Place, spoke in support of the mat program and of his experiences in helping the homeless and the need for this program.
James McMurray, Coquitlam spoke in opposition to homeless shelters in residential neighbourhoods in general, advising that literature he has read indicates that the majority of people using the temporary shelters are drug addicted and that as a homeowner in the vicinity of such a shelter, there is an impact on the neighbourhood as there have been several break-ins in his neighbourhood. He suggested that an integrated program is needed to help the homeless, particularly those with drug addictions, that a permanent shelter is needed and that such facilities should not be set up in residential neighbourhoods.

Dennis Prokes, Coquitlam, spoke in support of the mat program, advising that he realizes the temporary shelter is a band-aid solution but that it is better than having nothing at all for the homeless.

Ian Hunt, 38 Hawthorne Drive, sought clarification on why Port Moody chose not to enter into a housing agreement with the proponent and what happens when people are deemed unsuitable at point of pick up.

Carl Severson, 3028 Fleet Street, Coquitlam, representing the Tri-Cities Citizens Permanent Shelter Committee, speaking a second time, submitted a handout to Council outlining his committee’s proposal to the Tri-Cities for 2008 interim shelter monthly project targets and responsibilities and reiterated his committee’s desire for a permanent shelter for the homeless.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2752 be forwarded to the next Council meeting for further consideration.
-no speakers present
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2753 be forwarded to the next Council meeting for further consideration.
Regular Council Meeting
Agenda                     Minutes
2. Public Input

Wendy Swalwell, 2129 Clarke Street, representing the Moody Centre Community Association, requested clarification as to whether the Murray Clarke Connector Liaison Task Force was still active and indicated residents in Moody Centre would like to have input into the alignment choice for the connector.

Ann Hulbert, Ioco Road, thanked the city for the recent Civic Appreciation dinner held, thanked Councillors Clay and Dilworth for going on site to investigate siltation issues with Mossom Creek, commented on the fact that the proponents of a proposed large development did not hold their public consultation meeting in the vicinity of the proposed development and requested clarification of the what the funding cap is for the Murray-Clarke Connector project and what the alignment will be for the Murray- Clarke Connector.

Dianna Brown, College Park Way, representing the Port Moody Heritage Society and Station Museum advised of membership changes to their board, advising that she has been appointed Acting President. She introduced Wayne Biggs, Acting Vice President and they advised of intended initiatives for the museum.

John Doerksen, representing the Ioco United Church thanked Council for the grant which assisted the congregation in undertaking the roofing project for their church and invited Council and Heritage Commission members to a brunch at the church on Sunday, February 24th.

Harriette Chang, School Counsellor, Hazel Trembath Elementary School, introduced students Teagan Rasche, Jake Stobbart, Jaime Wong, and Abby Newton who provided information to Council regarding Random Acts of Kindness Week taking place February 10 – 17, 2008 and requested Council proclaim February 10 – 17, 2008 Random Acts of Kindness Week in Port Moody.

Ms. Chang also introduced four former Central Community School students, Nicole Dziarmaga, Cassandra Stepien, Charmaine Cheng, and Fiona Lee who were instrumental in getting proclamations passed for having Random Acts of Kindness Weeks in the tri-cities and in the province. Mark Clay, Principal of Hazel Trembath Elementary was also in attendance.

There was unanimous consent to deal with the delegation request at tonight’s meeting.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT February 10 – 17, 2008 be proclaimed Random Acts of Kindness Week in Port Moody
4.2  Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment - 2318 St Johns Street
St Andrews United Church
Cold Wet Weather Mat Program zoning amendment
Moved, seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2752 be now read a third time as amended to replace the figure “158” with the figure “183” in the title of the bylaw.

A Councillor proposed reconsideration of the following defeated motion from the December 11, 2007 Regular Council meeting:

THAT Bylaw No. 2752 be amended by attaching a housing agreement to spell out the terms and conditions that the proponent has put forward as their operating plan.

Discussion ensued as to the procedural requirements for reconsideration. It was determined that reconsideration rules did not permit reconsideration of the December 11th motion.
A Councillor proposed that an amendment be made to the motion currently under consideration, with the intent of the amendment being to have a housing agreement bylaw with St. Andrew’s United Church.
The Chair ruled that such a motion would not be in order as it would constitute consideration of new information following the close of a Public Hearing.

The ruling of the Chair was appealed.

Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the ruling of the Chair be sustained.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Lahti and Watkins
Moved, seconded
THAT the main motion be amended by adding the following:

“THAT Council direct staff to prepare a housing agreement bylaw to be entered into with St. Andrew’s United Church regarding the policies and procedures to be followed concerning the operations and conditions of the Tri-City cold wet weather emergency program;

AND THAT this agreement include the ability to enable  Council to order shelter operations to cease if these specified terms and conditions are not met;

And that the agreement be reviewed on a yearly basis;

And that the proposed bylaw be brought forward to the next meeting.”Following discussion, with Council consent the motion was withdrawn.

The main motion was then put and CARRIED as follows:

THAT Bylaw No. 2752 be now read a third time as amended to replace the figure “158” with the figure “183” in the title of the bylaw.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Council direct staff to report back with a draft housing agreement bylaw to be entered into with St. Andrew’s United Church regarding the policies and procedures to be followed concerning the operations and conditions of the Tri-City cold wet weather emergency shelter program;

AND THAT this proposed bylaw be brought forward to the next meeting to be given first, second and third readings along with adoption of Bylaw No. 2752.

Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini

Staff was directed to investigate whether a new public hearing would be required for Bylaw No. 2752.

4.3  Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Polygon Klahanie
Subdivision of Commercial property from Residential
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2753 be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2753 be now adopted
a. Bylaw amendment to provide Bylaw Enforcement Officers with the authority necessary to deal with the storage of commercial and recreational vehicls on city streets, as well as improper parking within cul-de-sacs within the City of Port Moody
Item removed from agenda
b. Municipal Ticket Information Utilization bylaw 1966, No 2298, Amendment Bylaw 2749
Item removed from agenda 
a.  bylaw to facilitate the disposal of 2933 Murray Street in order ot utilize the funds towards the cost of building the Murray Clarke connector.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2756 now be read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2756 now be read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2756 now be read a third time.
b. bylaw to facilitate the disposal of 3002 Murray Street in order to utilize the funds towards the cost of building the Murray Clarke connector
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2757 now be read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2757 now be read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2757 now be read a third time.
a.  bylaw to amend the permitted sewer user charges relating to Biological Oxygen Demand / Total Suspended Solids
b. bylaw to establish admission fees for the indoor running track at the recreation centre
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2758 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2758 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2758 be now read a third time.
bylaw to amend the area noted within the legal description of the portion of road closed at Morrisseey and Murray Street
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2759 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2759 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2759 be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to complete the necessary legal documentation with regards to the transfer of the road to be closed under Bylaw No. 2759 to the Onni  Group pending adoption of Bylaw No. 2759.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Statutory Right of Way for the land affected by the encroachment and other legal documentation, pending adoption of Bylaw No. 2759.
bylaw to reduce number of loading bay required on site from two to one.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Development Authorization No. 2006-59 be amended by reducing the number of loading bays on the site from two to one.
5.1  Public Participation for Proposed 2008-2012 Financial Plan
The Mayor advised of the information package to be provided to members of the public at the January 24th public budget presentation. The Mayor invited members of the public to attend the meeting to participate in the budget decision making process by providing their input and comments on the proposed budget.
6.1  Additional Community Member Appointments to 2008 Standing, Select and Statutory Committees
Item removed from agenda
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the issue of potential discontinuation of tourism services offered by the Chamber of Commerce be forwarded to the Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee for further investigation and report back to council with comments.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proclamation request from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC to proclaim February, 2008 “Heart Month” in Port Moody be approved.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the public art component for the Shoreline Bridges be approved for implementation
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff contact the City of Coquitlam to confirm Port Moody Council’s participation in a joint meeting with the Councils of the Cities of Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam as well as local MPs, local MLAs and appropriate members from the Tri-Cities Homelessness Task Group regarding a permanent Tri-Cities homelessness shelter.
6.6 Notification Area Expansion for Feb 5,2008 Land Use Committee Meeting
Councillor Lahti advised that there may be a great deal of interest on the proposed development at 627 Ioco Road and suggested the notification area be expanded for the Land Use Committee meeting at which this proposed development will be considered by the committee.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the meeting proceed past 10:00 pm.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to expand the notification area for the February 5, 2008 Land Use Committee meeting dealing with the proposed development at 627 Ioco Road.

Staff was directed to report back with information on amending the City of Port Moody Development Approval Procedures Bylaw 2003, No. 2543 for Land Use Committee notification.

7.1 Ratification of Committee of the Whole resolutions
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of January 22, 2008 be endorsed as above
7.2 Ratification of Finance Committee Resolutions
Moved, Seconded and carried:
That the following resoluiton of the Finance Committee meeting of January 15,2008 be endorsed as follows:
That $ 2000 be carried forward from the surplus 2007 Council budget for Conventions to assist with the funding of Councillor Dilworth's attendance at the FCM Sustainable Communities Conference in Ottawa from Febuary 14-16,2008
8. Reports from Council / Staff
10 Public Input
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