Mar 11,2008 Regular Council
Committee of the Whole
5.1 Burrard Thermal Liason Committee Annual Report
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Burrard Thermal Liaison Committee 2007 Annual Report be received
5.2 Emergency Measures Policy and Planning Committee Annual Report
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Emergency Measures Policy and Planning Committee 2007 Annual Report be received.
5.3 Lower Ravine Drivd Traffic Calming - Draft Traffic Calming Plan
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the draft Lower Ravine Drive traffic calming plan and open house schedule be received for information.
5.4 Barber Lane Traffic Claming - Endorse Committee Co-Chair and New Member Request
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Councillor S. Watkins co-chair the Barber Lane Traffic Calming Initiative Neighbourhood Advisory Committee with Ms. M. Carr-Hilton;
AND THAT Ms. S. Dibble be added to the membership of the Barber Lane Traffic Calming Initiative Neighbourhood Advisory Committee.
Regular Council Meeting
2. Public Input
Simon de Jong, 2014 Columbia Street, spoke in opposition to SkyTrain coming through Port Moody, citing concerns with losing the small town character of the city.
Ron Gordon, 4 View Court, urged Council to support the southeast ALRT alignment, citing concerns that the data on the two route options was not conclusive as it contained only estimates and projections.
Lynn King, 1845 Charles Street, speaking in support of the southeast ALRT alignment:
• suggested the issue of protecting the Riverview Lands was a separate issue that should not factor into the decision on the ALRT alignment;
• suggested Council appeared to be misinterpreting the intent of the 2004 referendum question on whether there was support for a SkyTrain route through Moody Centre; and
• requested clarification as to whether the 2004 referendum results were binding on Council.
David Querback, 9 View Court, spoke in support of the southeast ALRT alignment, citing better connectivity to other parts of the lower mainland, access to South Port Coquitlam, more land area for business and industry development along the line and more space for park and ride facilities and expressed concern that the province may still choose to erect an elevated line if the northwest alignment is chosen.
Peter Mueller, 10 View Court, spoke in opposition to the northwest ALRT alignment and suggested expansion of the existing West Coast Express into a SkyTrain system and utilizing the existing rail lines to accommodate SkyTrain.
Amy Jiang, 9 View Court, suggested there wasn’t enough information provided on the ALRT alignment options for Council to make the right decision for Port Moody.
Wendy Swalwell, 2129 Clarke Street, indicated that without detailed information on the location of the tunnel portal, expropriation was a concern to residents in the vicinity of the proposed tunnel. She advised that she had been told by a TransLink representative that the belief that if the Northwest ALRT alignment isn’t chosen, that rapid transit to Port Moody could be delayed many years was untrue. She also suggested that any potential development of the Riverview Lands was a separate issue. She requested clarification as to whether, given the lack of information on the alignment choices at the current time, the city could submit its alignment choice with conditions.
Patrick McGrath 675 Noons Creek Drive spoke in support of the northwest ALRT alignment option suggesting that much of the new housing in the city has been built with the understanding that there would be rapid transit in Port Moody.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Public Input Period be extended.
Glenn Cherepak, 1936 Clarke Street requested clarification as to why the northwest ALRT alignment option was considered a lower risk option given that it has a tunnel component.
Margret Johnston, 2002 Columbia Street, spoke in support of the southeast ALRT alignment option, suggesting that rapid transit built along longer transportation corridors attracts higher ridership and that Port Moody residents would have only a slightly longer bus ride to a SkyTrain station at Coquitlam Centre than to one in Port Moody.
3.1 Parters for Life - Canadian Blood Services
Kevin Near, Port Moody employee, advised of a Port Moody staff initiative to participate in Canadian Blood Services’ Partners for Life program and presented the city with a plaque in recognition of Port Moody’s participation in the Partners for Life program.
Patrick McGrath, Ministry of Communications, St. Andrew’s United Church, introduced Reverend Lissimore who made a presentation on the operations of the Tri- Cities Cold Wet Weather Mat Program. Reverend Lissimore then introduced Doreen Carter, one of the people who has used the program. Ms. Carter thanked Council for support of the program.
Mr. McGrath invited Council to attend the program’s volunteer appreciation event March 15th as well as a second open house on April 4th and acknowledged Andrea Corrigan, the volunteer coordinator who was also in attendance.
4.2 Consolidation Bylaw
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2764 be now adopted.
5.1 Canadian Cancer Society - Relay for Life
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City of Port Moody challenge the Councils of the cities of Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam to put together a city relay team and participate in the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life to be held June 7th, 2008 at the Percy Perry Stadium.
5.2 Community Garden
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
That the request from Wendy Koeppen, representing Inlet Community Garden, not to sell the land at 3002 Murray Street to ensure that the community garden is retained be received for information.
Moved, seconded
WHEREAS Port Moody’s Official Community Plan explicitly supports the establishment of a rapid transit corridor through the City substantially in the form and alignment proposed by the Minister of Transportation and TransLink;
THAT the Minister of Transportation and TransLink be informed that the City of Port Moody supports the NW Corridor for the development of the Evergreen Automated Light Rapid Transit Line at-grade along the Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way;
AND THAT should the Minister of Transportation and TransLink select the SE Corridor for the development of the Evergreen Automated Light Rapid Transit Line to the Tri-cities, they be informed that Port Moody will require assistance in updating its Official Community Plan, Master Transportation Plan, Partners for Climate Protection Corporate and Community Action Plan and other community plans, including extensive public consultation, to reflect a significant departure from the Livable Region Strategic Plan and the regional context within which Port Moody was required by third parties to operate as well as compensation for direct and indirect impacts yet to be determined.
AND THAT should the Minister of Transportation and TransLink select the NW Corridor for the development of the Evergreen Automated Light Rapid Transit Line to the Tri-cities, they be informed of Port Moody’s requirements as identified through past community consultation processes, as re-affirmed through extensive public consultation in February and March 2008, and as detailed in Appendix 4 to this report.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended in the second clause by removing the semi-colon (;) and adding the words, “with a tunnel portal located north of Clarke Street and east of Barnet Highway;”
The motion, as amended, was then put and CARRIED as follows:
WHEREAS Port Moody’s Official Community Plan explicitly supports the establishment of a rapid transit corridor through the City substantially in the form and alignment proposed by the Minister of Transportation and TransLink;
THAT the Minister of Transportation and TransLink be informed that the City of Port Moody supports the NW Corridor for the development of the Evergreen Automated Light Rapid Transit Line at-grade along the Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way with a tunnel portal located north of Clarke Street and east of Barnet Highway;
AND THAT should the Minister of Transportation and TransLink select the SE Corridor for the development of the Evergreen Automated Light Rapid Transit Line to the Tri-cities, they be informed that Port Moody will require assistance in updating its Official Community Plan, Master Transportation Plan, Partners for Climate Protection Corporate and Community Action Plan and other community plans, including extensive public consultation, to reflect a significant departure from the Livable Region Strategic Plan and the regional context within which Port Moody was required by third parties to operate as well as compensation for direct and indirect impacts yet to be determined.
AND THAT should the Minister of Transportation and TransLink select the NW Corridor for the development of the Evergreen Automated Light Rapid Transit Line to the Tri-cities, they be informed of Port Moody’s requirements as identified through past community consultation processes, as re-affirmed through extensive public consultation in February and March 2008, and as detailed in Appendix 4 to this report.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay and Watkins
Why am I voting against this ? Several reasons:
This is a poorly conceived plan. The impact of this alignment will have far reaching , long lasting effects on our community that haven't been thought through and properly discussed in the community. I fully agree with the public input comments that not enough information is available, and this is due to the extremely short period of consideration given this idea after years of planning for light rail.
My Specific Issues:
-At grade skytrain means 8foot high barb wire fences along the entire stretch of the line to prevent entry to the electrofied track.
-This is a further division between the 'two sides' of Port Moody, worse than the rail line that is there now, but a much uglier one.
-Skytrain isnt meant to be at grade - get it up in the air where it belongs, where it doesnt impact the community, traffic, pedestrian access - in fact, walk the trails along the skytrain route from vancouver to new westminster and you will see it can actually IMPROVE these amenities.
-The density to support the evergreen line route will mean substantial development in areas the community has been clear they do not support, specifically Moody Centre and Heritage District of Moody Centre.
-Translink spent considerable time and effort convincing us that at grade light rail was the right solution for this line, and, they convinced me, that , if this is the alignment, light rail would be the right technology to serve the community, rather than tearing it apart.
-The cost of this alignment is largely unknown and is based on very rough calculations.
-The residents of Port Moody who voted in the 2004 referendum voted NO to the question 'Are you in favour of a skytrain route through Moody Centre' - 74% opposed.
-The most benefitial alignment for the region would be via United Blvd/Lougheed Highway - the stated intent of this line is to link coquitlam centre and lougheed centre, with port moody being nothing more than a 'speed bump' along the route. We know where this has gotten us in the road network.
-This will not benefit local businesses, and very few residents of Moody Centre.
-The current bus feeder network for the WCE and future skytrain could just as easily, in fact, more easily, interface with the 'multi modal' aspects via the Coquitlam Station.
What would I do ?
-Skytrain, or light rail, from Braid via United via Lougheed (maybe via PoCo, don't know, its never been discussed) to Coquitlam Centre.
-Future light rail from Port Moody, intersecting with Evergreen at Coquitlam Station, and continuing to PoCo, Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, and eventually beyond to Mission.
-Interim - 'Bus Rapid Transit' improvements for this area, including pre-emptive signalling and dedicated bus lanes.
The Director of Community Services reported on correspondence received from International Paper Industries, the city’s solid waste and recycling collection contractor regarding actions it intends to undertake to address service issues identified by the city.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the verbal report of the Director of Community Services regarding correspondence from International Paper Industries dated March 6, 2008 be received for information.
Moved, seconded
THAT Council receive the March 3, 2008 report of the Director of Planning and Development Services for information;
AND THAT this report be forwarded to Metro Vancouver staff for consideration in preparation of a draft Regional Growth Strategy.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT consideration of the March 3, 2008 report of the Director of Planning and Development Services entitled, “Choosing a Sustainable Future for Metro Vancouver” be deferred to the March 25, 2008 Committee of the Whole Meeting.
Moved, seconded
THAT the city continue with the present Street Naming and Park and Trail Naming policies.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Street Naming and Park and Trail Naming policies be referred to staff to investigate possible amendments to enable Council to make specific requests for street or park names.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council receive Official Community Plan Designation Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 401, 2008 and associated staff report from the Village of Belcarra in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act for comment.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City of Port Moody execute the Memorandum of Agreement on Local Government Twinning Relationships between the province and the City of Port Moody.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proclamation request from the Steering Committee, Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular be received for information.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proclamation request from the Canadian Cancer Society to proclaim April, “The Canadian Cancer Society’s Daffodil Month” in the City of Port Moody be approved.
7.1 Ratification of Committee of the Whole recommendations
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of March 11, 2008 be endorsed.
7.2 Ratification of Finance Committee recommendations
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of Tuesday, March 4, 2008 be endorsed as follows::
THAT staff proceed with the Murray Street / Moody Street intersection improvements constructed to the final Murray Clarke Connector curb alignment specifications; and
THAT costs be recovered from Translink once negotiations on the Murray Clark Connector project have resumed.
THAT a $1500 grant be approved for the Glenayre Community Association 50 Years Celebrations and staff explore all ways to provide up to $1000 of in kind to assist and enhance the 50 Year Celebrations.
THAT a $50,000 budget for the City-Wide Property Audit be approved and funds returned to Unallocated Operating Fund as they are received.
THAT staff be directed to re-assess the LRN Snow Removal Operating Budget expenditures during the 2008 budget recast and increase the 2009 base budget by $24,000 should the salt supply budget shortfall persist;
AND THAT staff be directed to fund the LRN Snow Removal Reserve shortfall of approximately $126,000 from the General Fund Accumulated Surplus to maintain a funding level equivalent to one year of the current LRN Snow Removal Operating Budget.
THAT $10,900 and $2,800 from accounts COP05056 and COP04042 respectively be consolidated with account COP05057 to complete the street light installation on Guildford Way.
THAT staff proceed with repairs to the operations backhoe, OP#29 at a cost of up to $26,100 funded from the Equipment Replacement Reserve once a second opinion on the repair cost is received.
9.1 LMLGA Correspondence
10 Public Input
- none