Dec 12,2006
Committee of the Whole
5.5 Designation / Naming of Community Areas
For discussion, a review of our current committee appointments and terms of reference makes reference to city community 'areas' (college park, glenayre, moody centre, etc) that may not reflect the change / growth of the city.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following six geographic areas be identified in the terms of reference of committees requiring community representation by geographic location:
College Park
Heritage Mountain
Inlet Centre
Moody Centre
AND THAT staff prepare a map showing the boundaries of these geographic areas for review.
Public Hearing
Onni Hotel Amendments
Regular Council Meeting
1. Public Input
Ron Curties, 1901 200 Newport Drive, Port Moody, officially invited Council, staff and members of the public to participate in the 2007 Penguin Plunge on January 1st at Rocky Point Park.
Wendy Swalwell, 2129 Clarke Street, Port Moody, questioned the timing of Spectras negotiations to sell the Boathouse and issuance of the development permit for the Boathouse Restaurant. She spoke regarding her opinion that the restaurant has had a negative impact on Rocky Point Park users and boaters. She commended the Boat Trailer Parking Working Group for their work to maximize boat trailer parking at Rocky Point Park.
Ann Hulbert, 1056 Ioco Road, Port Moody, thanked staff for adding lights to the Christmas trees in the Galleria and asked how much had been spent to date on the recreation centre expansion.
Hazel Mason, 2918 St. George Street, Port Moody, suggested the city did not comply with the statutory notification requirements for the September 14, 2004 Public Hearing on the Zoning Bylaw text amendment to permit a potential restaurant in Rocky Point Park and that there was not proper public consultation or a proper business plan and benefit analysis undertaken relative to permitting a restaurant at Rocky Point Park.
1.2 Mayors annual address on 2006 activities
The Mayor highlighted accomplishments of the past year and goals for 2007 in the following areas:
safeguarding the citys small town character;
balancing the citys approach to growth;
having an interactive government that encourages public input & participation;
reducing traffic congestion on roads and improving public transit;
promoting pedestrian friendly corridors;
planning for infrastructure renewal;
replenishing reserves;
providing affordable housing;
ensuring connection with the waterfront;
increasing parkland dedication;
preserving the citys heritage.
3.1 Youth Focus Committee Presentation
3.2 Boathouse Restaurant Update
4.2 Land Use Contract Amendment, San Remo
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Report of Public Hearing held Tuesday, November 28, 2006 be received.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2717 be now read a third time.
660 Nootka Way and 701 Klahannie
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Authorization No. 2006-56 and Development Variance Permit No. 2006-65 subject to the required documentation, plans, fees and securities having been submitted to the satisfaction of staff;
AND THAT the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
Voting Against: Councillor Watkins
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the Fire chief and staff be directed to review Bylaw No. 2070 and amend as necessary to prohibit the sale of fireworks and firecrackers in the City of Port Moody, require permits for displays and any other changes deemed necessary to update Bylaw No. 2070.
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Clay, Elliott and Lahti
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Section 5.8 of City of Port Moody Fireworks Bylaw, 1991, No. 2070 be amended to read, No person will sell or offer for sale any nuisance fireworks.
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT staff investigate a system for requiring permits for fireworks displays and report back to Council early in 2007.
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Elliott and Lahti
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the School Board for School District 43 be invited to attend a Committee of the Whole meeting on January 9, 2007 to discuss with Council the issue of school closures and how it relates to eligible school sites.
6.2 Council Committee Appointments
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council member appointments be made to 2007 Standing, Select and Statutory Committees and regional and local committees as follows:
Burrard Thermal Liaison
Chair Councillor Elliott
Vice-Chair Councillor Clay
Community Care
Chair Councillor Watkins
Vice-Chair Councillor Dilworth
CPR Community Advisory
Co-Chair Mayor Trasolini
Representatives Councillors Elliott and Watkins
Economic Tourism & Arts Development
Chair Councillor Dilworth
Vice-Chair - Councillor Watkins
Environmental Protection
Chair Councillor Lahti
Vice-Chair Councillor Clay
Fire Department Advisory Committee
Chair Councillor Rockwell
Vice-Chair Councillor Dilworth
Youth Focus
Representative Councillor Lahti
Chair Councillor Clay
Vice-Chair Councillor Lahti
Land Use
Chair Councillor Clay
Vice-Chair - Councillor Lahti
Traffic Safety
Chair Councillor Lahti
Vice-Chair Councillor Rockwell
Emergency Measures Policy Planning Committee
Chair Mayor Trasolini
Vice Chair Councillor Watkins
Heritage Commission
Chair Councillor Rockwell
Vice-Chair Councillor Elliott
Joint Family Court & Youth Justice Committee
Representative Councillor Clay
Library Board
Representative Councillor Dilworth
Parks & Recreation Commission
Chair Councillor Elliott
Vice-Chair Councillor Rockwell
Police Board
Chair Mayor Trasolini
Games Legacy Task Force
Chair Councillor Watkins
Representative Councillor Elliott
Arts Connect
Representative Councillor Rockwell
Chamber of Commerce
Representative Councillor Dilworth
Festival of the Arts
Representative Councillor Rockwell
Fraser Burrard Community Justice
Representative Councillor Watkins
Golden Spike Days
Representative Councillor Dilworth
NorthEast Sector Stream Stewardship
Representative Councillor Clay
School District 43
Representative Councillor Lahti
Vancouver Port Authority
Representative: Mayor Trasolini
Alternate Representative Councillor Elliott
West Nile Virus Adult Mosquito Control Local Advisory Committee
Representative: Councillor Clay
6.3 Community Committee Appointments
The Mayor announced the community member appointments to Standing Committees as follows:
Land Use Committee:
Helen Brown - Moody Centre
Garnet Bull - Heritage Mountain
Nicki Forster - Pleasantside
David Hilderley Town Centre
Glen MacRae Glenayre
Traffic Safety Committee:
Margaret Carr-Hilton
Gord Couling - ICBC Coordinator
Sol Friedman
Patrick McGrath
Mel Mercier
Debbie Witham
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following community members be appointed to Select Committees, for a term of one year, except where specified:
Board of Variance
Martina Tolentino 3 year term
Burrard Thermal Liaison Committee
Dave Fox BC Hydro
Elaine Golds
Henry Khuu
Elisha Moreno BC Hydro
CPR Community Advisory Panel
Helen Brown
Jim Gibney- Pacific Coast Terminals
Margaret Karset Imperial Oil
Rick Poznikoff Canadian Pacific Railway
Ron Simpson
Richard Thorne
Bob Zeglinski - Canadian Pacific Railway
Community Care Committee
Ron Curties
Klaus Dorr
Tarrance Grieve
Gillian Hepburn
Allen Hunt
Jack Lynn
Bonnie Morgan
Debbie Richardson
Robert Simons
Richard Turton
Jessica Wakeling
Economic Tourism & Arts Development Committee
Stephanie Booth Chamber of Commerce
Jeff Burton
Jonathan Carrigan
John Grasty
Manvinder Hicken-Gaberria
Ibrahim Honjo
Ann Hulbert
Salim Jan-Mohamed
Glen MacRae
Karen Pighin
Darryl Tolentino
Environmental Protection Committee;
Timothy Bennett
George Broderick
Elaine Golds
Kathy Heisler
Carrie Hightower
Diane MacDougall
Ajay Shah
Connie Smith
Martina Tolentino
Clifford van Alstyne
Cynthia van Ginkel
Fire Department Advisory Committee:
Denis Heinrichs
Robin Kilty
Jon Piasecki Volunteer Firefighters
Christopher Simms
Rob Suzukovich - IAFF
Rod Turkington
Heritage Commission:
Dianna Brown
Stephanie Caron
Patty Harding
Allen Hunt
Mary MacDougall
Ron Simpson
Mauray Toutloff - Heritage Society Rep.
Jennifer Voss
Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee:
(All appointed for two year terms.)
Randy Adams
Pat Merrett
Library Board:
(All appointed for two year terms)
Yolanda Broderick
Kathryn Nokony
Rosemary Rawnsley
Linda Balzer
Parks and Recreation Commission:
John Callaghan
Brandon Elliott
Michael Kearney
Henry Khuu
Ann Kitching
Nancy Scott
Sharon Tulk
Youth Focus Committee:
Chris Derpak
Braedyn Erlenbach
Jayme Goodall
Anthony Gyoerick
Taylor Jones
Jessica Lahti
Geoffrey Suh
Ian Swanson
Shane Virani
6.4 Acting Mayor Appointments for 2007
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Acting Mayor appointments for 2007 be as follows:
January,February: Counc. Lahti
March, April: Counc Dilworth
May: Counc Elliott
June: Counc Watkins
July: Counc Elliott
August: Conc Watkins
September, October: Counc Rockwell
November, December: Counc Clay
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Councillor Karen Rockwell be appointed Director on the Greater Vancouver Regional District Labour Relations Bureau;
AND THAT Councillor Mike Clay be appointed alternate.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the appointments to the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC)be as follows:
Council Representative Councillor Shannon Watkins
Alternate Council Representative Councillor Mike Clay
6.7 Council Appointments to Municipal Insurance Association
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the appointments to the Municipal Insurance Association be as follows:
Voting Delegate Councillor Mike Clay
1st Alternate Councillor Shannon Watkins
2nd Alternate Councillor Bob Elliott
6.8 Council Appointments to Greater Vancouver Regional District Board
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Mayor Joe Trasolini be appointed Director on the Greater Vancouver Regional District Board;
AND THAT Councillor Bob Elliott be appointed alternate.
7.1 Ratification of Committee of the Whole recommendations
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of December 12, 2006 be endorsed (see above)
7.2 Ratificaiton of Finance Committee recommendations:
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of December 5, 2006 be endorsed as follows:
THAT the funding request for up to $750 to host the 2007 Provincial Family Court & Youth Justice Committee Annual Conference be approved and funding come from the surplus account contingent on the other municipalities contributing their share based on the Simon Fraser formula.
THAT the BC Hydro incentive grant shortfall for the Recreation Complex Energy Improvement Project be funded from the 215A General Amenity Levy Reserve.
THAT Contract No. 8.39 for Highridge Pumping Station, Installation of Emergency Power be awarded to Bay Hill Contracting Ltd. For the low tender amount for $322,622 plus $19,357.32 GST for a total of $341,979.32;
AND THAT the budget shortfall be funded from Capital Project CWT06015 Watermain Replacement, in the amount of $125,000.
THAT the $33,000 dividend from the Municipal Insurance Association be deposited to the land sales reserve.