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History and Details

For some time there has been serious constraints on the single ice sheet at the Port Moody Rec Centre, and it has long been identified that the city could use a second sheet of ice, and probably fill it to near 100% capacity within a year of bringing it 'online' .  There has also been substantial feedback from the community that our existing recreation centre is becoming dated, and inadequate for the population it is now expected to serve. 
In July 2002, the city council considered a report on the feasiblity of upgrading and expanding the Recreation Complex.  From the report, the city established a Recreation Centre Expansion and Renovation Task Force to work with design consultants and city staff to develop a proposal for the renovation and expansion of the recreation centre.
The task force considered many options for possible expansion :  the inclusion of a swimming pool, adding a wellness centre, fitness studios, gymnasium, workout facilities, and more. 
On May 12,2003 the task force approved the expansion and renovation report for recommendation to concil and the finance committee. 
On April 17,2004, the voters of Port Moody were asked the following question through referendum:
Are you in favour of Council adopting Bylaw #2583, a bylaw to authorize the borrowing of $11,000,000 toward the $18,500,000 expansion and renovation of the Recreation Centre?
Voters approved the borrowing for the project.   (YES: 54.8 % , NO: 45.2 %)
The preamble to this question in the city press release:

If a majority supports this bylaw, the recreation centre expansion project will proceed with the borrowing of $11 million. A portion of this amount -- $3 million – will be repaid through a residential property levy of approximately $18.50 per household, based on a property value of $300,000. 

The balance of the loan will be repaid through the collection of development levies, increased user fees and sponsorhips & donations.

If this bylaw is defeated in the by-election, the project will be put on hold until Council decides on a course of action.

The recreation centre was constructed in 1973 and plans to renovate and expand the facility were developed over the past three years in consultation with a variety of City committees. Plans include the addition of a second sheet of ice, renovations to the curling rink, a new fitness centre, gymnasium and indoor running track, and improvements to customer service and community space.

Mayor Joe Trasolini said, "We are asking taxpayers to make an investment in the future health and wellness of our community. We've saved for facility and program improvements such as this for many years. This is a good way to invest the development levies collected from Inlet Centre housing developments. The existing facility does not meet current needs. And it falls far short of being adequate for new residents, youngsters that will want to play hockey or figure skate, and an aging population that needs better health and wellness support in their home community."
The construction contract was awarded in June 2005 and work commenced in July.
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