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June 8,2010 Tri City News


With the Port Mann-Highway 1 project starting to take shape, transportation attention in the Tri-Cities is again turning to the Evergreen Line, which is supposed to begin construction early next year.

Property purchase negotiations are continuing for the planned $1.4-billion line between Burnaby and Coquitlam, the Ministry of Transportation has confirmed, and an environmental assessment should be released this month, with a builder to follow after a procurement process taking place this summer.

In keeping with these developments, a Port Moody group is ramping up its campaign to win support for another station in that city and is launching a website to keep residents apprised of developments.

John Grasty, chair of the Port Moody Western Station Committee, said the group also plans a public forum in the next few weeks to chart a vision for a third station for PoMo in the vicinity of Vintner Street near the planned Evergreen Line tunnel portal at Barnet Highway.

“The idea is to show people what’s possible,” said Grasty, whose group includes residents and businesses from Moody Centre and the city’s western neighbourhoods.

The site chosen for the third PoMo station was the product of several meetings and modelling that showed it would be accessible to more people than the city’s choice of a Queen Street station near the West Coast Express station. Grasty said people living on the hill above Barnet Highway are looking forward to the opportunity for more services and retail closer to their neighbourhood.

“It will integrate people on the west side with the city, it would give them some services which they never had,” Grasty said.

He said raising the issue of the third station is important because the city has been virtually silent about its choice of a station — in contrast with Coquitlam, which has been vocal about its intentions to seek a third station at Lincoln Avenue.

“I haven’t seen any of the councillors really coming out and challenging on this,” Grasty said.

But the transportation ministry stated in an email interview that discussions are ongoing with the cities about the potential for third stations but whether they are approved will depend on “ability of station to reshape land use, density, promote transit-oriented development and affordability.”

The ministry also confirmed that most of the properties along Clark Road required for the Evergreen Line alignment have been purchased but some negotiations are continuing. Property in Burquitlam Plaza is also required for a station but at least one business has yet to hear what’s next for the shopping centre located at Clark Road and Como Lake Avenue.

Joey Pratap, manager of Cyclone Taylor Sporting Goods, said he hasn’t heard anything and his store is still on a 90-day lease with Morguard Property Management Group.

• For more information about PoMo’s western station committee visit, see

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