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From the translink NE Sector planning report:
 Peak Hour ridership, 2021 , Light Rail, NW Route, Peak Direction - 2600 riders
June 8,2006 from Translink, current ridership:

Based on the most recent available passenger counts (2005), the # 97 B-Line
serves the following approximate numbers of passenger boardings:

Average Weekday: 7,000

Morning peak hour westbound: 340
Afternoon peak hour eastbound: 360

Morning peak period (6-9 a.m. both directions): 1,200
Afternoon peak period (3-6 p.m. both directions): 2,100

The one-way trip time between Coquitlam Station and Lougheed Town Centre
Station is 30 minutes outside peak hours, and 35 minutes during peak periods in
the heaviest direction of travel.
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