4.1 Youth Festival
Devin Jain from cultural services spoke to the YFC about a youth based festival to run in 2013 which must be developed, planned and run by youth. They took part in a lengthy brainstorming session to create ideas on what type of event they would be interested in, and created numerous ideas. The festival is a part of a larger grant and will be sent in for approval by spring 2012.
4.2 Tri City Reach Awards
Brent discussed the upcoming Reach awards which Port Moody is hosting this year. The event is set for Wednesday May 4 at the inlet theater and the rehearsal will be on Monday May 2nd. The theme the committee decided on for the event was a "Hollywood Glitz and Glamour" awards type of event. Red carpets and trophies as awards, with TJ's band playing in the lobby and a breakdancing performance from a port moody dance group will round out the event. The YFC selected the trophies to be ordered which will be presented to the recipients at the awards from a catalogue. The YFC was confirmed to arrive at the awards at 5:30PM to assist in the set up and welcome arriving guests.
4.3 Youth Week Volunteers
The all about youth night at the rec complex is running May 6th from 6-lOPM and the entire committee is expected to assist in the setup and running of the events at the gymnasium. Youth week dance May 13th will have TJ and Natalie as volunteers for the concession. SHARE food drive - the youth volunteered to bring in a food item for the Reach awards. Other locations of food drive boxes are: The police station, fire hall, city hall, rec complex, kyle center, Moody Middle and the youth centers.