Nov 9,2011 Tri City News
By Diane Strandberg - The Tri-City News Published: November 09, 2011 3:00 PM Updated: November 09, 2011 3:07 PM
Three builders are in the running to build the Evergreen Line after the province issued its request for proposals (RFP) for construction bids for the $1.4-billion project Wednesday.
The RFP has been issued to EL Partners, Kiewit/Flatiron Evergreen Line and SNC-Lavalin Inc., all of which have until April 12, 2012 to hand in their technical submissions.
According to documents released by the province, the winning bid will be chosen next summer, with major construction starting after that.
The job entails building the 11-km line line from Lougheed Town Centre in Burnaby to Douglas College in Coquitlam, with a combination of elevated and at-grade guideway and a 2 km bored tunnel.
Lougheed Town Centre Station will also be expanded and five new stations will be built, with the provision for three potential future stations. The builder will also construct a vehicle storage building and facilities for integrating transit as well as pedestrian, vehicle and bicycle access.
The documents — available through — also give some insights into the amount of work that will have to be done by the province before construction begins, including:
• widening of North Road;
• installation of 25Kv power line along North Road and Clarke Road and relocation of overhead 69Kv transmission lines at Como Lake and Clarke;
• installation of fibre optic cable;
• and relocation of the CP Rail track located adjacent to a portion of the alignment in Port Moody.
Separate tenders will be required for this work, which is expected to start in early 2012.
TransLink will provide the vehicles, fare collection and fare gate equipment required for the Evergreen Line but the contractor will have to make sure the vehicles run seamlessly between the old and new parts of the Millennium Line and make sure the facilities can support the fare collection system.
The contractor must also make sure traffic isn't negatively affected by traffic during peak periods, maintain safety of the travelling public and workers, and make sure pedestrian, vehicle and bicycle access is maintained near adjacent homes and businesses.
Opening date for the Evergreen Line is the summer of 2016, with 15-minute service planned between Coquitlam City Centre and Lougheed Town Centre.