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Feb 8,2012 Youth Focus


5.1 Appointing new Chair, Vice Chair and Rec Commission representation

The YFC were asked for nominations for the position of Chair.

Natalie, Eric, Devon and Shane were nominated. After anonymous balloting Shane won the position of Chair and accepted the position.

The YFC were asked for nominations for Vice-Chair. Devon, Liam, Eric and Natalie were nominated. Devon won the anonymous balloting and accepted the role of Vice(CO)-Chair.

For the position of Rec Commission representative, Natalie was the only nomination and won a unanimous vote, accepting the position.

5.2 2012 Committee Work Plan

The YFC voted and finalized the work plan for 2012 – details to be included in report which will be presented to council.

5.3 Youth Dance Volunteers

Brent asked for volunteers for the upcoming youth dance on Feb. 10. Devon, Liam, Eric, Madison, Helena, Aidan and Marie-Rose volunteered.

5.4 Youth Week sub-committee

Brent asked for all YFC members who wish to be on the planning sub-committee for youth week 2012 to step forward. Natalie, Sagar, Aidan, Helena, Devon, Liam, Paulina, Madison and Marie- Rose volunteered. First sub-committee meeting will be held Wednesday, February 22nd at Westhill.

5.5 Band Showcase

TJ spoke about the upcoming band showcase, confirming that the admission will be $5.00 at the door, or $4.00 at the door with a charitable food donation. TJ circulated the poster and list of bands for approval. All was approved. Volunteers for the band showcase were Natalie, Sagar, Liam, Eric, Helena, Devon, Mari-Rose, Madison, Paulina and Shane.

5.6 Youth Skate Event

The upcoming tropical youth skate night will be held at the rec complex Friday, March 9 from 8:30-10:30, to be hosted by the YFC.

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