5.1 Volunteers for Youth Festival – Councilor Nuttall
Councilor Nuttall was not present at the meeting. Councilor Dilworth gave as much information as she could about the event and how the YFC can become a part of it. It will be held July 27 – 29 and youth are to provide expressions of interest as soon as possible. The information will need to be brought to the YFC at a future meeting as more details are required.
5.2 2012 Port Moody Library Focus Group
Maryn Ashdown spoke to the YFC regarding a focus group being held at the Port Moody library March, 23rd from 5-6PM. The purpose of the focus group is to gain feedback and opinions from youth about the library and the future direction of the library. The focus group is being facilitated by a professional facilitator. Forms were handed out to register. There will be pizza and refreshments and an ipod touch to be won as a door prize. They were asked to register in advance online or in person. Additional forms were left for handing out at youth programs.
5.3 Youth Week Update
Brent updated the YFC of the latest developments from the youth week sub-committee. The youth week calendar is as follows:
April 28 – seniors pancake breakfast
April 29 – Port Moody Community Day
May 1st – Dodgeball with Port Moody Police
May 3rd – Tri-City Reach Awards
May 4th – Casino night with council
May 5 – Amazing Race and patio party to follow at Westhill
The next youth week sub-committee meeting is set for March 28 at Westhill at 5PM.
5.4 Tri-City REACH Awards Update
Devon and Corina gave an update on the planning for the REACH awards. They are doing a tropical theme this year and is being hosted by Coquitlam. Through his chef program at school, Devon is providing the catering for the event. The call for nominations is ready and youth may begin submitting applications.
5.5 Community Day Volunteers
Brent asked for volunteers for the community day celebration to be held at the Port Moody rec complex April 29th. The YFC will be asked to volunteer at the event, manning the cotton candy machine, greeting guests, assisting with children activities (bouncy castle, face painting) hosting an open house in the youth lounge and TJ and his band will play an acoustic set.
5.6 Youth Website Update
Corina informed the YFC that she has contacted the appropriate people within the city to inquire about the youth website. She will updated when she has more information about steps to take, protocols etc.
6.0 Additional Business
Corina informed the YFC that she has contacted the appropriate people within the city to inquire about the youth focus facebook page that Devon has started up. The purpose of the page is to provide a central place for the committee to communicate, send reminders and share information. Corina will inform if the facebook page is going to be allowed when she hears back. Under no circumstances should the facebook page be used for sending regrets for a meeting. All regrets must be sent to Brent, Corina, or Dorothy.
6.1 Additional Business
All YFC members are required to complete a police record search, as per the City of Port Moody’s volunteering policy. The search isfree and can be completed at the Port Moody Police Dept.