5.1 Youth Week Donations Update
Brent updated the YFC on the status of the donations for prizes and assistance with Youth Week. Many local businesses have provided help including Starbucks, Pegasus Pizza, various hair and nail salons, dairy Queen and more. The prizes will be used for the prize table for the Casino night with council.
5.2 2012 Youth Week Pancake Breakfast Update
Brent updated the YFC about the upcoming pancake breakfast with the seniors being held at Kyle center on Saturday April 28. The entire committee volunteered for the event and they are very excited about it. They discussed the menu and the set up/clean up plan as well.
5.3 Youth Volunteer T-Shirts
Brent advised the YFC that they will be provided t-shirts for youth week and sent around to get sizes from everyone.
5.4 Youth Week Update Tri-City REACH AWARDS
Brent reminded the YFC about nomination deadlines for REACH awards and offered to use the youth center computer to assist in doing any nominations. Devon and Corina updated the committee on the food and desert menu which Devon is leading through his cooking program at school.
5.5 Community Day Volunteers
Brent discussed the duties of the upcoming community day at the rec complex ranging from face painting to helping at the youth table and the cotton candy machine handling. Volunteers are to be at the rec complex at 8:30AM Sunday April 29.
5.6 presentation to council action plan
Brent discussed the importance of creating an action plan now that the 2012 work plan is complete. It is great to want to do big things, but without an action plan, it won't materialize. They will meet May 25 at 5PM at Westhill to discuss the action items and prioritize the list.
6. Additional Business
Corina informed the YFC that she has contacted the appropriate people within the city to inquire about the youth focus facebook page that Devon has started up. The purpose of the page is to provide a central place for the committee to communicate, send reminders and share information. Corina will inform if the face book page is going to be allowed when she hears back. Under no circumstances should the face book page be used for sending regrets for a meeting. All regrets must be sent to Brent, Corina,or Dorothy.
6.1 Additional Business
All YFC members are required to complete a police record search, as per the City of Port Moody's volunteering policy. The search is free and can be completed at the Port Moody Police Dept.