5.1 Introductions
Councillor Bob Elliott – New Council Representative
Lindsay Forsman-Phillips – New Recreation Programmer Job-Share
Colleen Rohde – City Clerk
5.2 Committee Orientation
Colleen Rohde spoke about her job description and how she helps the business of government. Bob Elliott communicates between the committee and the City Council. Colleen spoke about roles of different committee members and responsibility of the chair and vice-chair. Attendance is responsibility of group member. After two missed meetings without notice, members will be taken out of group. She also spoke of expected behavior at meetings as well as procedures of meetings. Recommendations to Council are important, for motions to get passed it should be described very clearly. Create a work plan for the year as well as a year end report to cover everything which has been done in the past year. The rules of being a committee member have changed, now one must either live in Port Moody or go to school in Port Moody (previously had to live in Port Moody).
5.3 Youth Council Meeting Centennial Event-May 22nd
Colleen spoke about how the city government contributes to every day life and where taxes are going. She also spoke of the Centennial Event, which is a mock city council meeting; people would get to play the role of the mayor, etc. Colleen then showed pictures of Port Moody when it was first developing. The Centennial Event would be a play in which the youth would be audience and council members. The event would revolve around old city bylaws from past records. Commitment would be for the day of the event (time of day not decided). There would also be a rehearsal day and the event would be filmed. The youth committee showed interest in the event.
5.4 Committee Applications for 2013
Corina talked about committee applications that are now overdue. These now must be submitted online and approved by council. Youth staff are not involved in the selection of committee members. Bob Elliott spoke about being a part of the committee and how he was on a similar committee when he was younger and the importance of it. Phil added it is important to invite new people and to spread the word about it.
5.5 Elections at February Meeting
Corina reminded the group the elections for chair, vice chair, and Parks and Rec committee representative will be held next meeting. Shane spoke of his positive experience on the Parks and Rec committee. Corina asked Devon and Shane to make a small speech about their job titles and what it involves.
5.6 Youth Dance Volunteers- Feb 8th
Phil asked for feedback from the last dance and the new positions. Madison spoke about coat check and how well it went (no one lost any items). Aiden was in charge of splitting the lines up outside with Quinten. Eric was on the cash box in the concession, his feedback was positive and mentioned the tables, which were placed in the room in order to make the room smaller and the new DJ. Liam also mentioned the new DJ and his electronic system. All comments were positive and everyone mentioned improvement. Paulina and Lakota were at the dance participating rather then volunteering and both found it better than before. Amanda said they could use more volunteers at the coat check as it was a bit hectic at the end.
Phil asked if anyone had new ideas for the next dance. Amanda said more communication with the coat check would help. Eric said the concession item list could be updated and pictures could be added. The next dance will be a Valentine’s Day themed dance. There will be a balloon arc at the entrance and a balloon drop in the middle of the dance.
5.7 New Concession Items
Phil announced the concession change over. The new product is much healthier however the prices did not go up. The dance concession will not change but the Youth Center and Youth Lounge will change over to the healthy menu. Freezies will now be sold at the dances. There were some concerns about sticky floors and spilling. Concerns were also brought up about the heat in the youth dances.
6. Open Forum
Marie-Rose spoke about the July Festival of the Arts, she is the assistant manager and asked the group if anyone wanted to show their art (dance, painting, etc.). She also brought up her interest in the soup kitchen which was presented last meeting.
Liam mentioned the road outside of the youth center leading to the KY market. Corina suggested he call City Hall.
Corina took a poll about what types of pizza everyone likes upon Eric’s request. Zaria brought up her recycling project at her school. The boxes which she needs for the project each cost $25 so she asked for some funding, all proceeds would be split 50/50 with the youth center and Zaria’s school. Corina asked her to send a bit more information to her about the project.