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Feb 13,2013 Youth Focus


5.1 Skate Park Inquiry

Sean Brown and Domenico Minici brought forward a request to extend the skate park. Sean and Domenico brought a picture of the bowl they wanted to add on the existing skate park, and proposed an age restriction of 7+ for the park as a safety issue. Corina asked for input from the committee in order to put forward to the city. Corina asked if anyone thought a different area in the city would be better. Helena suggested that the age limit be set only to a separate area of the park, leaving an area for the younger kids to use. Phil noted that the area the younger kids use is in the middle of the park so it would not work. Eric compared our park to the Poco skate park and suggested a bigger one like that be built in Port Moody. Issues were brought up about a park up in Westhill area not being central enough. Helena suggested having time slots for different age groups. Councillor Dilworth spoke to Sean and Domenico about developing their plan and researching grants. Corina summed it up by saying another discussion needs to be held about location and funding. Everyone was interested in joining a subcommittee including Sean and Domenico, so the discussion will continue in another meeting outside of the committee meeting.

5.2 Youth Award

Councillor Diana Dilworth introduced the idea of a youth award. She asked the committee to think about different area in which awards could be given(volunteering in community, etc.). Devon and Eric were interested in researching further.

5.3 Elections for Chair,Vice-Chair, and Parks and Recreation Commission Representative

Phil first announced the official committee members as the committee can only officially hold 15 people, and then listed the pending people. Councillor Dilworth suggested doing elections as if all in attendance were official members.

Shane asked for chair nominations. Helena nominated Eric. Quinton nominated Devon. Eric received the most

votes. Nominations for vice-chair were Aidan, Marie-Rose, Amanda, and Devon. Marie-Rose received the most votes. Nominations for Parks and Recreation Commission representative were Aidan, Zaria, Madison (declined), Devon, and Helena. Helena received the most votes.

5.4 2013 Work Plan

Phil asked if anything from last year’s work plan needed to be continued into this years work plan. Bullying awareness was added to the list. Helena suggested creating drug and alcohol talks to middle schools. Quinton also wanted to continue working with SHARE. Others wanted to continue working with seniors. It was suggested that the City of Port Moody get a bus, which would open up new opportunities and make out trips cheaper. Other items included expansion of youth lounge hours, creation of a youth award, and a mock council meeting on May 23, 2013. Madison suggested moving a couple of our meetings to City Hall.

5.5 Youth Skate – Friday, February 22, 2013

Phil announced that a Youth Skate will be held on Friday, February 22, 2013. The skate will have a neon theme and a DJ as well as activities for youth, concession items, and slurpees. The cost will be $2 and $2 for rentals. The age group is grade 6-12. Skate will go from 8:15pm to 10pm. Madison asked if volunteers would be needed. Phil said it would be limited but some may be needed for decorating and concession. Madison, Quinton, and Eric were interested. Liam asked about advertising, which will be done in schools and at the recreation center.

6. Open Forum

Liam brought up the idea of specific seating plans in order to make meetings more formal. Phil suggested the possibility of moving meetings to a different venue.

Everyone voted in favour of this change of venue.

Amanda asked for feedback on the youth dance. Madison gave input on the coat check. Positive feedback was given on the photo booth.

Devon asked about the Reach awards. Corina said they will be held in Port Coquitlam. The meeting will be held on Tuesday. Devon and Quinton were interested.

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