4. 1 College Park Traffic Calming Initiative
Staff provided a brief history of the College Park Traffic Calming Initiative and the related Neighbourhood Advisory
Committee (NAC).
On behalf of the College Park NAC, Brandon Elliott advised that Neighbourhood Advisory Committees generally exist to respond to requests from the neighbourhood regarding traffic calming concerns. He reported that at the last NAC meeting, feedback was gathered regarding pedestrian accessibility and traffic concerns.
Staff advised that the generally large size of the intersections and lack of pedestrian connectivity in the neighbourhood proved to be the main concern of the NAC. He also advised that recommendations coming out of those discussions are likely to be brought forward to the Transportation Committee at its March meeting.
In response to a question, staff noted that the City generally takes a multi-faceted approach when responding to traffic calming concerns when warranted, including education, enforcement and engineering changes.
Councillor Small left the meeting at this time (7:30 p.m.)
4.2 Transportation Committee 2013 Annual Report
Staff led the committee in a review of the 2013 Annual Report, including 2013 active and completed Transportation Committee business items, outstanding projects and initiatives, and the suggested focus areas for the 2014 Transportation Committee.
In response to a question, staff provided a brief history of the Murray-Clarke Overpass and the related visioning study. The results of that study will also inform the Master Transportation Plan’s related work.
5.1 2014 Transportation Committee Work Plan
The Committee reviewed the draft work plan, which was prepared based on the 2013 Annual Report and Council direction as detailed in the February 12, 2014 Report to Council.
Staff advised that, in addition to the ongoing issues brought before the committee during the year, it was suggested that the committee undertake as a project focusing on one or two education-based outreach activities aimed at specific demographics, as well as one infrastructure-related safety improvement project.
Discussion ensued on the feasibility of hosting another Safety Fair in 2014. It was decided that, although there was a desire to hold the event, staff would email the committee the related task list to allow members the opportunity to consider the scope of the time commitment required for spearheading and coordinating the event. Discussions will continue at the March meeting.
In response to a question from the committee, staff advised that it is anticipated that most items on the draft work plan have budget allocation at this time, although the final 2014 City budget will not be approved until the spring.
The Chair called for additional items or suggested changes for the 2014 work plan. The committee agreed to consider the information provided and to continue discussions on the work plan at the next meeting, in particular some options for the proposed Pedestrian Safety project. Staff to distribute the related materials.
Audey Korpus left the meeting at this time (8:00 p.m.).
5.3 Audible Pedestrian Traffic Signal Pilot Project
Staff provided a brief history and context to the Audible Pedestrian Traffic Signal (APS) Push Button Pilot Project planned for two intersections along Murray Street.
Staff advised of locations being piloted and the function of the APS devices, and that the Committee will receive progress updates as the pilot project is carried out.
5.3 Police Enforcement Requests
As Sergeant Dan Smith was unable to attend the meeting, this item was not discussed.
5.4 Introduction: ICBC Road Improvement Program Representative
Kathleen Nadalin introduced herself and provided a presentation relative to her role at ICBC, statistics related to road and pedestrian safety, and the types of support services that ICBC can provide to the committee and the community.
Ms. Nadalin also suggested the possibility of the committee exploring ways to gain earned media for public education.
In response to a question, Ms. Nadalin provided a brief history on the recent court decision related to insurance coverage while acting as a designated driver.
6.1 Current Construction Projects Update
Staff provided a brief update on several projects around the City and advised of the website resource, which provides weekly updates on current construction activities.
6.2 Policy Document: Traffic Control for Pedestrian Crossings near Schools and Playgrounds
Attachment 6.2: Traffic Control for Pedestrian Crossings Near Schools and Playgrounds
6.3 Policy Document: Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy
Attachment 6.3: Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy