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Nov 20,2013 Transportation

Agenda                Minutes

3.1 Memorandum: 2013 Traffic Calming Initiatives Update

Installation of traffic calming devices planned for Noons Creek Drive, Parkside Drive and Ravine Drive in 2014 is subject to budget approvals. Moody Centre and Seaview/Mt. Royal projects are completed. College Park Way is 20% in progress.

3.2 Speed Reader Board Data Review

Data collection was taken from the 800 block westbound Ioco Road at Barber Street. The most consistent speed was 69 km/hr. Two reader boards were purchased and can be used as needed. It takes only two weeks to get a good snapshot of the readings.

At Ioco/Campbell, the medians are challenging and not visible at night. The solution would be to install I-Markers (LED powered cat eyes) into the medians for night time driving.

3.3 David Avenue Speed Data Update

Speed data counts are coming in for the back lane of the 2500 block of St. Andrews.

3.4 College Park Update

There was a 25% response rate for the mail out and the data was consistent with expected responses at this stage of the consultation process. There will be a meeting on December 3, 2013 with the new Advisory Committee.

4.1 Transportation Committee Draft Annual Report

The highlights of the 2013 Transportation Committee were discussed and they included the Safety Fair; the Murray/Clarke Visioning Study; Traffic Calming at St. George and Kyle and College Park; review and approval of the Draft Master Cycling Plan infrastructure plans; regular updates on ICBC and Tri-City Speed Watch initiatives; and informational presentation on several engineering projects and programs.

Staff also mentioned the 2013 active and completed Transportation Committee items. Staff reviewed the outstanding projects and initiatives adding Ioco and Jacobs Roads to the project. Suggested focus areas for next year were reviewed and it was mentioned that OCP changes will likely have an impact on transportation.

Pedestrian safety was discussed with a focus on decreasing injuries. More funding is needed for reflectors, advertising, flashing lights, and lighting upgrades. ICBC provide accident data and educate high school students.

There are illegal crossing issues with the bus stops near the fire hall and across the street. A report is expected.

There is a pavement analysis underway to identify needs for repairs. Staff suggested prioritizing improvements in the new year. The Transportation Committee will be part of the Transportation Action Plan.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the Transportation Committee Draft Annual Report go to Council.

Councillor Bob Elliott left the meeting at 8:05pm.

4.2 2015 Murray Street Crosswalk Improvements and Bike Amenities Preliminary Design Review

Staff presented the proposed 600 meter long bike path plan along Murray Street which will be proposed to TransLink December 3, 2013 for funding based on regional connections and bike counts. The plan is to go to tender in the spring of 2014.

4.3 ICBC Updates

The ICBC representative reported on the November 6, 2013 Pedestrian Safety Day in the Tri-Cities. Operation Red Nose is November 29, 2013 and is seeking volunteers. Proceeds of the program go to Kidsport.

The ICBC representative reported on the November 6, 2013 Pedestrian Safety Day in the Tri-Cities. Operation Red Nose is November 29, 2013 and is seeking volunteers. Proceeds of the program go to Kidsport.
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