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Mar 20,2013 Transporation Committee

Transportation Committee - 1 - March 20, 2013
Agenda     Minutes
2.1 Minutes
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Transportation Committee  meeting held on February 20, 2013 be adopted.
3.1 St. George Street Diverters
Staff provided an overview of the traffic calming initiatives  in Moody Centre, and provided background information for  the proposed diverter on St. George Street at Kyle Street.
Staff presented options for St. George Street Diverters,  ranging from low-cost delineators and signage to
structures including self-watering tree planters.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the temporary diverters be as cost-effective as  possible;
AND THAT additional improvements be considered  after the evaluation period.

3.2 College Park Neighbourhood  Traffic Calming  Initiative – Formation  of Neighbourhood  Advisory Committee
Staff provided an update on the College Park Neighbourhood Advisory Committee (NAC), noting that  members have been appointed by Council and candidates  have been notified by mail. Staff outlined the upcoming  process and noted that regular updates will be provided to  the committee as they become available. The next  meeting of the NAC will be held after April 17, 2013.
4.1 Police Enforcement Concerns
Sergeant Dan Smith provided an overview of recent  enforcement concerns and activities, noting that the Police  have focused on excessive speeding on the highway. Sgt.  Smith also noted that school zone enforcement has been  a concern.
4.2 ICBC Updates
Gord Couling provided an overview of the information  found at the following links:
• ICBC | road safety
• ICBC | mou.pdf
• ICBC | Driving tips for roundabouts
• ICBC | Intersection safety camera program
• 2009 high crash intersections in B.C. - Google Maps
• Your AD Here - Winners
• ICBC | ICBC road safety speakers reach out to Lower Mainland students ahead of grad party  season
• ICBC | Tri-Cities_snapshot.pdf
• 180 Video Contest - YouTube
Mr. Couling also distributed the ICBC Road Safety Calendar to committee members, noting that enforcement  campaigns will be preceded by an educational campaign.
Mr. Couling also encouraged committee members to review the schedules and videos of road safety speakers on the ICBC website. Members interested in attending a road safety speaker presentation were asked to contact Mr. Couling to make arrangements.
Mr. Couling noted that ICBC has announced $196,000 in road improvement projects in the Tri-Cities, and has
invested in a 10,000-unit bulk order of reflective zipper pulls to promote pedestrian safety. The ratio of return on
investment in road safety improvement has proven to be five to one.
4.3 Aspenwood School Pick-up Drop-off  Issues and Proposed  Changes
Staff provided an overview of the traffic issues at  Aspenwood School during pick-up and drop-off times, and outlined several possible solutions.
The Committee discussed the issues and possible solutions. The Committee noted that a contributing factor is that the school doors are not open until 8:40am, five minutes before the start of classes. The Committee noted
that allowing students to enter the school over a fifteen or even ten minute period may improve the situation.
Action: Staff to investigate expansion of drop-off hours.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the installation of a time-restricted left turn prohibition sign on the North-bound lane of Panorama Drive at Aspenwood School be supported.
4.4 2012 Transit Infrastructure  Improvements
This item was deferred to the following meeting.
4.5 South Shore Cycling Improvements
Staff provided background information on the Cycling Master Plan and noted that the Master Cycling Plan will be
brought before the Committee in the coming months.
Staff provided information on the cycling improvements made in the south shore area, which includes the area west of Moody Street on the south shore.
5.1 Tri-Cities Speed Watch Monthly Reports
This item was received for information.
6. Adjournment
Councillor Elliott adjourned the meeting at 8:58pm.
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