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Feb 21,2007 - TriCity News

By Diane Strandberg The Tri-City News
Feb 21 2007

Parents and community members from eight schools were expected to pack Winslow Gym last night and tonight in a last-ditch effort to keep their schools open.

Eighty-two speakers signed up for a chance to plead their case, prompting school officials to hold two nights of meetings.

“This is the only opportunity we’ll have to talk to trustees,” said Zoe Ricard, chair of the Lincoln elementary parent advisory council.

Ricard said her goal is to convince trustees to keep her neighbourhood school open.

“We want to maintain a united front,” Ricard said.

PAC reps surveyed by The Tri-City News all said they will be trying to show why their schools shouldn’t be closed and offering suggestions to boost enrolment or reduce operating costs.

The school board is expected to make a decision next Tuesday.

Local public elementary schools being considered for closure are: College Park, Coronation Park, Moody and Mountain Meadows in Port Moody; Mountain View, Vanier and Millside in Coquitlam; and Port Coquitlam’s Lincoln.

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