Choice: Drastic Cuts
No new funding would result in drastic cuts to transit services and a decline in our quality of life. TransLink is legislated to create a base plan that fits expenditures within existing revenues. This would not maintain services and programs, and would drastic cuts. By law this plan must be implemented if others are not approved.
This plan would take us back a step and diminish the gains that we have made through the expansion of our transportation network since 1999.
Levels of Transportation Investment
Transit Service |
- Bus service reduced by approximately 40% - a reduction of between 1.8-2.2 million service hours
- SeaBus operating hours reduced and 3rd vessel not used after the Olympics
- Elimination of effective Frequent Transit Network
- Investments only for basic state of good repair
- Bus replacement program adjusted to reflect reduced services
- Reduction in off-peak West Coast Express services
Rapid Transit |
- Reduction in SkyTrain hours of operation
- Previously committed 48 new SkyTrain cars arriving in 2009 & 2010
- Only basic rehabilitation on older SkyTrain cars
- No further station upgrades
Roads and Bridges |
- Funding of road improvement projects eliminated
- Road maintenance funding reduced to 25% of required levels
- New Pattullo Bridge (tolled)
- Completion of projects underway such as: Fraser Highway widening, Coast Meridian Overpass and Roberts Bank Corridor
Cycling |
- Annual investment in cycling reduced by over 80%
- No ability to cost-share with municipalities on cycling projects
- No funding for cycling improvement projects
Customer Information and Safety |
- No funding for implementation of improved system signage
- Significant reduction in programs that promote sustainable travel
- Smartcard and gating system implemented
- Reduction in customer support services